| 10 | that's what friends are for

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Timothée🙊  (Timothée)
Daisy🌼 (Daisy)

Good morning!
you didn't update me on what happened last night
was everything alright?

Aww it's nice you're checking up on me
It was nothing extreme
Harvey is safe and sound and all..
He just showed up to one of my dad's important meeting's drunk and embarrassed him.
My dad still hasn't gotten over it.

I'm so sorry
I wish I could do something to help

Me too
Sometimes I feel so useless
It's a sucky feeling

You're not useless
You got up and left right when your family needed you.
Being useless would mean that you wouldn't care.
But you do. I can tell.
So you are far from useless

Thanks Timmy :)
You always know what to say.
I know this sounds bad but,  I don't know if I even care anymore.
I felt so weird last night.
I don't know how to describe it.

:( that sucks
Listen, how about we get you out of the house today?
We watch a movie have some fun
And you can tell me how you feel about everything alright?

I'd love that.

Movie starts at 6
See you there!


Both Daisy and Timothée agreed to meet up early before the movie started so they could talk about Daisy's issue. There was still another hour till the movie started and the two were able to find a bench in the park where there weren't too many people around. 'It's nice out isn't it, I mean the weather isn't too bad?' Timothée says, letting out a cough right afterwards.

Daisy rolls her eyes. 'No need for small talk Timmy, I think we've hung out quite a few times to be past that stage.' Timothée chuckles as he nods his head in agreement with her. He realized she was right, and that he should just get straight to the point. 'About what you said this morning, what did you mean?'

Daisy takes a moment to collect her thoughts and Timothée watches her with amusement on his face. Sometimes she was an open book, easy to read, and he could easily tell what she was thinking, but other times she thought with such complexity that it was hard to even imagine what was going through her mind. He let her take her time and listened intently as she began to speak.

'To tell you the truth, I don't know what I was talking about because I don't really know what came over me. Usually I'm a wreck, I cry and I sob and I feel like it's the end of the world every time Harvey relapses or every time he disappoints our family. But last night I was expecting to feel something, some sort of pain or heartache but I felt nothing at all. Just numbness and no pain at all and it just terrified me.' Although she admits she hadn't felt any pain last night the pain in her features were very distinct and she seemed frustrated with herself.

Timothée looked away, taking a moment to think over his response. He didn't want to say the wrong thing. This was too serious to mess up with his stupid words. And he wanted to be there for her with this. She seemed to be in a battle with herself and he wanted it to end.

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