| 25 | fear

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Once arriving at the hospital, Daisy didn't know what to expect. Was he going to look different? Was it too early for that? Was he okay? So many questions ran through her mind, driving her mad as she followed her brothers to the elevator.

'Mom said floor number 7 right?' Asks Pierre looking at Daisy, who was usually really good at remembering numbers. Daisy doesn't reply. However, Kaden cuts in.

'No I think she said 6.' Says Kaden receiving a puzzled look from Pierre. They stand in the elevator not knowing what button to press. Daisy eventually holds her hand out and clicks on the number 8.

The two boys don't say anything. They trust that Daisy probably remembered better than they did, and they didn't ask her to speak anymore. It seemed she needed to stay silent, or else she'd explode into a fit of tears again. And nobody wanted that.

Once they arrive on what they believe is the correct floor they let Daisy lead them to the correct ward. As they had expected Daisy was right because Harvey was seated on one of the waiting chairs outside of the room with his face buried in his hands.

Kaden approaches Harvey gradually and places a hand on his back. Harvey straightens up once he realizes their presence. Not one word is uttered between the two brothers, they just pull each other in for a hug. Something they haven't done in a while, since Harvey started using.

Kaden and Harvey had grown apart and gone in completely separate ways. Therefore, the sight of them hugging stunned Daisy and Pierre as they watched it happen. 'Is he awake?' Asks Pierre once their moment was over. Harvey nods sitting back on the chair in defeat. Although, Harvey fought with their father the most he also managed to grow a close connection with him that none of the others had. It seemed his close connection with his father was now taking a great toll on him. Pierre was the first to enter the room leaving Daisy outside in the hallway, the thoughts in her mind still driving her insane.

Kaden then enters moments after Pierre but Daisy can't seem to go inside, a part of her is afraid of what she might do. If she cries it will only hurt her dad more, and she knows she isn't strong enough to hold back her tears. It seemed her mother sensed her presence because she walked out of the room pulling Daisy into a tight hug once she laid eyes on her.

'I'm afraid to go in mom.' Daisy says, sobbing into her mother's hair. Julie was an even worse emotional wreck but for Daisy she was able to hold back the tears that were willing to escape her. 'Oh my sweet girl, there is nothing to be afraid of. Just pretend it's like you're saying hello to your father after he's just come back from one of his business trips.' 

Daisy doesn't know how but she manages to escape her mothers embrace. She now finds herself opening the door and entering the dim room. The first thing she sees is the bed, the wires, his hands, his arms, his face. Once her eyes land on his face she can't help but let a tear drop escape the comfort of her eyes.

He looked the same, his smile still beamed once he caught a sight of his beautiful daughter, his eyes twinkled slightly and his laugh echoed in Daisy's ears. 'Hey kiddo.' He coos motioning for Daisy to approach him.

She is stuck in her place for a moment but an invisible force pushes her towards his bed and she finds herself holding his hand. His grip on her hand was tight, and that triggered more emotion and more tears to escape her. 'I know I promised you another birthday, I didn't really want it to be like this but we can make it work right? There's a t.v in here. Your mom can get us some popcorn. It'll be fine.' He looks at Daisy guilt in his eyes as if this was his fault.

It wasn't. None of it was. Yes, he didn't make it to her 18th birthday but that didn't matter. Cancer had gotten ahold of him, and he'd have to put up a big fight if he wanted to survive this. 'Dad, are you going to be alright?' Daisy asks, her voice tearing her father's heart up into bits and pieces.

It hurt James Cohen that his youngest daughter, his only daughter had to see him this way but James was able to pull it together. 'Yes kiddo, I'm going to be fine.'

Priv. Conversation
Timothée🙊 (Timothée)
Daisy🌼 (Daisy)

Hey Timmy

Are you alright?
I've been worried sick

Yeah I'm okay
What about you?

Daisy I can't express to you how sorry I am about everything
About the past three days
And about your dad

I read your texts
And I heard your voicemails
I get it
You were scared
Well, so was I

Yeah but I was a chicken about it

You kind of were weren't you?

Ok I get it I suck
How's your dad?

I mean he seems good
He's the same old dad
He still laughs he still smiles he still calls me Kiddo
But I know it must have been hard for him when he found it

Yeah it must have
And what about you?
Was it hard for you?

I found out when I called you yesterday and I didn't answer
Pierre told me and I felt like I couldn't breathe
I didn't see it coming you know?

No one ever does ;(

Yeah but we're strong, we'll push through it
Our family has been through worse

Send me your address
In L.A


Because I'm coming

No Timothée you're not
You're literally filming your movie in two weeks are you insane.
You need to prep for it
You can't come here

Yes I can
And I will
If you don't give me the address I'll just ask Pierre

Timmy trust me you don't want to come
I've been here barely a day and it's way too depressing
Just stay in New York
Prepare for your movie
And wait till I get back okay?

Not okay.
I care about you. I've done a shit job of showing it but I really fucking do alright?
And I want to be there for you, even at your worst.
Send me the address Daisy, please.
Or I'll just show up in L.A and knock on everyone's door till I find you.

*sent location*
Tell me when you're coming
I'll have them prepare a room for you.

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