| 66 | hopeless case

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'Timothée dropped you off?' is the first thing Pierre asks once he enters his little sisters bedroom. He closes the door behind him so their older more protective sibling Kaden doesn't hear a thing and Daisy scoffs removing her shoes and plopping on her bed, still in her 'going out at night' outfit and still slightly intoxicated.

She gets comfortable under her covers and watches Pierre sit at the edge of her bed with concern in his eyes. Her room used to be his safe space whenever things would go to shit. He would come in at night and sleep beside her because he used to be afraid of sleeping alone. But now she needed him more than ever and he wasn't leaving her. 'Pierre get out I need sleep.' She says sounding annoyed with him. she hates it when he looks concerned, especially when his concern was about her. It made her feel guilty. She needed sleep. She needed to sleep right now so she would wake up sober tomorrow. She needed to be sober in order to process everything that went down tonight.

All the words that were exchanged between her and Timothée, all the looks of longing and concern and lust that they sent each other all throughout the night were all just too much. She wanted to be sober to see if she really felt the way she was feeling tonight. Or if the alcohol was just intensifying all of her emotions.

Maybe in the morning she would hate his guts and feel disgusted with herself for going to see him.

Maybe she would regret it.

'Answer me.' Pierre says desperately. 'Was the car I just saw drop you off Timothée's or was it someone else's car?' He already knew the answer, he knew the plate number and the color and the size of Timothée's car. But he needed Daisy to confirm his suspicions. He needed to hear her say it.

'It was Timothée's' She says, closing her eyes and pretending to fall asleep to get him to leave her alone. But she should have known better than to think Pierre will leave her by herself after finding out about something like that.

'I'm sleeping here. In case you wake up in the morning and decide to drink again.' His voice is final, like there was no arguing him. like he was right and he knew it. But Daisy was too drunk to care about crossing him and she laughed, it was a very drunken laugh.

'I don't drink in the morning.' She says her words slurring, and a grin was plastered on her face.

Pierre sighs. 'Oh trust me. You will soon enough if you keep going at this rate.' He rolls his eyes and remembers Harvey, how Harvey would drink day and night nonstop without worrying about the consequences.

'I'll stop okay. I'll stop drinking.' Daisy says her tone more serious now and the smile on her face gone. This whole talk about drinking was making her remember Harvey and she didn't feel like remembering him right now.

Pierre shifts in his position a sad smile on his face, one that only Daisy could recognize to be pure disappointment and rage. 'Sure you will. And I'll stop being your brother.' He says shaking his head disapprovingly.

Daisy sits up in her bed, facing him with a crease visible on her forehead. 'Why don't you believe in me? Maybe I can actually stop this before it goes too far.' Daisy sounds offended as she speaks. For a moment she tries to believe it herself, that she'll stop. That maybe this won't continue and she learned her lesson this time. But then she remembers how it feels to really be sober, and how painful it is to not have alcohol in her system to take away the pain.

Just recalling the way it feels to be sober makes her nauseous and she doesn't believe her own words enough to make Pierre believe them.

'It already has gone too far Daisy. Don't you see?' Pierre says trying to read her expression. She looks away from him in shame. She did. She saw. But she wouldn't say it. That would make it real.

Desire ☆ Timothée Chalamet जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें