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A fan seemed to have spotted both Daisy Cohen, young actress and Timothée Chalamet, young actor at JFK international airport this morning bidding each other farewell. She claims the two shed a few tears and even kissed on the lips as they parted their separate ways. Timothée got on a plane to London where he is presumably filming his new movie whereas Daisy Cohen got back in her car and went home. The fan was able to take a few photos of their encounter. Click here to see the various photos that the fan took of the two having a make out session in the middle of JFK.

Some people expressed themselves on twitter stating that they do not accept of the couple, and do not ship them together whatsoever. What do you guys think? Is this relationship going to last? Are they going to last a week, maybe a month tops? Tweet us with your assumptions using the hashtag #Dimothée


Days went by like years without Daisy around to keep him company. Timothée couldn't help but feel so lonely as the long filming days went by ever so gradually. Most of his co stars were either a lot older or a lot younger than him, so there was really no one he clicked with. This made it difficult for him to forget how much he missed his girlfriend back home.

As for Daisy, school kept her occupied and Skylar came over more often to take her mind off the one thing that was missing in her life. The first week without him was easy, they spoke all the time, FaceTimed for hours and texted constantly. However, after that one week passed by, Timothée stopped calling and Daisy stopped texting.

The two of them had gotten too preoccupied in their separate lives that they would only speak occasionally. It hurt Timothée, the same way it hurt Daisy however the two of them just assumed that the other was too busy to call or to text.

Priv. Conversation
daisy💓 ( Daisy Cohen)
timmy💘 (Timothée Chalamet)

how is school going?

harder than I thought
Finals are coming up and I can't seem to concentrate
I'm usually really good at studying
But I can't focus

try studying in the garden
it's usually where you feel most comfortable

I will
and what about you?
how's filming?

I mean the movie is great but it's just during breaks and stuff I'm all on my own
and it's not like I know a lot of people in London who I can hang out with

you know I'd be there in a heartbeat if I could.

I know :(
but your dad needs you more
you're visiting him this weekend right?

and when are you getting back?

I don't know daze
I keep asking but they haven't given me a specific date yet

I get it.
But soon right?

I hope.
I miss you.

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