| 26 | cherish it

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Just having spent 3 days in Los Angeles, Daisy had already grown accustomed to her daily routine. Waking up early, walking to the hospital, staying there till the afternoon, Pierre taking over and her going home to catch up on whatever work she was missing out on for school.

It had only been three days but those three days had felt so long, and so dreary. Although, her father managed to put on a smile for his family they could all see right through it. He was devastated. James Cohen had so much ahead of him, he went from flying from country to country going from meeting to meeting and has now ended up in a hospital ward with cancer and a sorrow filled family surrounding him at all times.

No one would have ever predicted that this was going to happen to the Cohen family. But it did. And there was no changing it. 'Can you grab me a glass of water Daisy?' Daisy nods towards her father and fills up a cup for him. She hands it to him waiting for him to drink it and then carefully taking it back and placing it on the table.

Her father smiled at her, she returned the gesture before sitting back down by his side and reading the notes Skylar had sent her last night. 'You don't have to stay Daisy.' Her father whispers trying to catch Daisy's attention. She doesn't look at him, she keeps her eyes trained on the screen of her phone.

'I want to.' Says Daisy receiving a sigh from her father who already knew that was going to be her answer.

'I know you do kid and I appreciate it. But it's you're senior year, you need to go back and finish up and graduate. You can visit me when it's Christmas break or Easter. You don't have to miss out on everything.' Daisy knew her father had a point but she refused to admit it.

It just seemed unfair to leave her entire family behind and be somewhere else, doing something else. It was wrong not staying with her father and helping him overcome this tragedy. She needed to be with him, she needed to be apart of his recovery. She couldn't be all the way in New York City, it just wasn't an option.

'Dad, I'm staying. You're what matters, not school.' she says sternly finally looking away from her notes and focusing her attention on him.

'I don't just mean school Daisy, I mean your friends and your life in New York.' He tries to tell her, but Daisy doesn't get it.

'Skylar can visit me if she wants.'

'I don't just mean Skylar. Daisy I know you've grown really close to Timothée and I don't blame you, he seems like a really nice boy. So please my love, go carry on with your life. This is merely something small, I'll get through it. You don't need to miss out because of me.'

'No dad. We'll get through it, together. All of us. And I won't miss out on anything, everyone I need is right here in Los Angeles.'

Priv. Conversation
Sky🌌 (Skylar)
Daze (Daisy)

School sucks big time without you :/
Hell, life as a whole sucks without you
Do you know when you're coming back?

Not anytime soon
I miss you though ;(

I miss you too
I'll come visit right when we have our next break

Yes, hopefully

So that's it?
you're just not going to come back to school?

I mean, I plan on going back just not right now

Do you think you'll be able to catch up with everything
If you get back

I honestly don't know Skylar
Everything is kind of a mess rn

How are things with Timothée?
He always texts me worried about you

I text him whenever I can but he seems to be extra worried because he feels guilty about what he did on my birthday

What did he do?
You never told me

He kissed me


he told me to keep it a secret
So I did
But then after he confessed his feelings to me
He ignored me for three days
He just avoided me completley

ohhh makes sense now
He kept telling me to tell you how sorry he was
But I didn't know what the fuck he was talking about
So things are good now?
Between you and him?

I just.. there's a part of me that's afraid to commit to him
It seems like if he was able to ignore me for three days and make me lose it
He'll also have the ability to break my heart pretty easily

aww daze :(
I don't know what to tell you
But what I do know is that Timothée makes you happy
So cherish that

I will
Love you <3

love you more!!!


Sorry it took me longer than usual to update, usually I update daily because most of my chapters are pre-written but I've been on vacation for the weekend so I've barely had time to do anything.

That being said, I hope you guys aren't dying of boredom. I really want this story to do well and I'm so grateful for the comments you guys leave.

Love you <3

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