Something I've Been Wanting To Say

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Just a heads up, I'm not calling anyone out in particular I just saw a lot of the same comments and I wanted to address something that's been bothering me.

I've been wanting to make an announcement/ I don't even know what to call this I guess it's like a disclaimer but yeah.. here I go.

Ever since I completed this story, I've been satisfied with it. I thought I gave it a good ending and that was all. No sequel no nothing just a straight up end to this book. But nonstop I've been getting comments about how Timmy deserved better and Daisy's a drama queen and don't get me wrong you're entitled to your own opinion but some people just don't see the bigger picture.

Yes, Timmy did deserve better but so did Daisy. Some of you are forgetting the amount of times Timmy bailed on her out of "fear" at the start of their relationship. She would fall for him and trust him and put her all into their relationship only for him to freak out and ignore her for days or he would start dating another girl (Lily) or just all in all not commit to the relationship that he was forming with her.

She had trust issues. He knew that.. all of the people reading this book knew that too. She made that clear by telling him about the boy that got in her pants and opening up to him about the night she got raped at the party. Time and time again she poured her heart out to him and told him how much shit she went through and how much she loves him for being so good to her. And one day he just comes home raging at her and he's calling her out on cheating on him when he knows she would never do something like that. She'd been fucked over and he had no reason to believe she'd fuck him over in that way.

Obviously it wasn't Timmy's fault either. If anyone saw photos like that of their significant other they'd be pissed off too. Hell.. I'd be so mad as well. But once again you guys have to understand that he didn't give her a chance to explain herself, he straight up accused Daisy when the photos he saw didn't even show her face in them. It was just a girl with similar clothing on. Then he proceeded to walk out on her when she told him she wouldn't forgive him if he left and he broke down everything they built together in a span of five minutes. And once he finds out the truth.. that she didn't even cheat on him he doesn't even really apologize to her.

Yes, he goes to her house one night after Pauline convinces him but he doesn't utter one word to her he just lets her walk by him and doesn't try to make things better. And the next time he sees her is at a party when she's drunk and he has just beaten up a guy trying to harass her. It was all so hectic and crazy, and as you all saw Daisy developed a really bad drinking problem and when you're an alcoholic you don't really make the very best of choices or say the best things or do anything that will benefit anybody.

So yeah.. my point is that you can't just blame Daisy for things not working out between them. It was hard for her to trust and when she trusted him with all her might he just leaves due to a few photos and she has to show up to his house drunk months later to hear him actually apologize to her. And when he did say he was sorry, it all felt like it was way too late to fix or mend. Months went by and Daisy wasn't able to even stay sober for longer than a day and Timmy was still beating himself up for what he did. They were both hurting and they wouldn't have worked.

Yeah I get why the ending pissed some of you guys off.. everyone wants a happy ending and I'm a bad author for not giving you that. But not every story is a fairytale where they both get married at the end. Sometimes things don't go the way you wanted them to and the characters in the story will make rash decisions that effect the outcome of their life.

I ended it the way I did because I thought it would be a lot more realistic if they didn't live happily every after. I wanted the characters to be human and I feel like Daisy is the most human character you'll ever meet. She has strong feelings and emotions and she makes lots of mistakes just like all of us and it fucked up her life in the end but that's reality for you. Not everything is perfect.

So yeah.. in conclusion, I get why some of you were quick to blame Daisy but don't judge her for having emotions. She went through a lot and couldn't handle everything being thrown at her in such a short span of time. People say that if they were in her place they would have forgiven him and I get that.. but you weren't in her position so who knows what you would have done.

Anyways, sorry for the huge rant but I've been seeing the same comments over and over again for months now and I finally decided to address them. Hope this did something.

Love you guys <3 and if you just finished this story please go check out my other timmy stories, I would appreciate it.

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