Chapter XXVII: A Breakthrough Forms A Problem

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《A/n: Drawn due to a conversation on discord (LOL) in which someone wanted to see Michael with a tutu cosmetic. (I had to add the tiara for the full effect.)》

Maybe it was the killers who finally realized.

Or maybe the survivors who hastily improved their preformance.

It had only started a few long nights ago. The rumbling.

How many nights had passed? Eventually it felt uncountable, you weren't able to tell when a day has passed and another one started. It felt like the night was the same, and for the most part; it was.

You were left to your own things when it first happened. Michael, gone to a trial, and you sitting and reading whatever material the Entity allowed.

Then was a rumble, the ground trembled under you. As if it were increasingly getting terrified, before it ceased completely. Like nothing happened.

You didn't brush it off, not with something so out of the normal. Though you stayed where you were, feeling eyes on the back of your neck from where you sat on the livingroom sofa. You had a feeling the Entity was watching you intensely.

It noticed what your plans were, finally fully active after whatever had shook through it's realm.

In another situation, you'd have laughed, joke to yourself, "oh it's probably the grumble from its stomach because the survivors have been escaping a lot lately." Which you still could, but you'll hold it back for another time.

There was a second time, probably for what felt like an hour. Then it happens again.

Michael was back this time, you're barely ever out of his sight when he's back. Usually allow you to cuddle him, half the time he just likes to hold you while you lay back against his chest.

He felt it too, the ground shaking below the furniture. His arms secured you from falling while you both waited out the strange occurrence.

By his reaction, he probably had experienced it the first time too. Making sure neither of you fell off the couch as it continued. Longer this time.

Then it stopped.

You looked up over to Michael, his mask tilting down to meet your eye. "Do you know?"

His head tilts, shaking his head. His head turning, looking around the room because you felt him tense behind you. You got the same feeling as before, eyes watching for a brief moment. It made the hairs on the back of your neck stand, before the feeling vanished.

You relaxed back into Michael's hold. You'll get your chance, whether you need to wait long or not. You will.


Keith woke up to the sound of the annoying doorbell being rung. His days had gone downhill without the presence of his sister, and the negative feeling that started coming from her room made him reluctant to go in. Despite the month and a half that had passed since she disappeared, or was taken.

His nights were restless, worrying and dread that bit at him while he tried to sleep.

Jess started worrying too, not as horrible as a state as Keith, but almost as much. Watching as Keith's mood got worse and worse.

The young man got out of bed with sluggish movements. Adjusting his shirt and grabbing a pair of proper pajama pants to wear over his boxers. Keith look at his reflection, seeing the bags starting to form under his eyes.

Then the doorbell rang again, and Keith made sure his appearance was at least presentable before leaving his room. Heading to the front door.

He opened it to a crack, peeking outside.

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