Chapter XXVIII: A Way Out

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"This is so fucking stupid." Nea growls, watching as the Cannibal was put on their new "patrol" roles. A while had past, that didn't stop the alley cat from complaining about it.

Quentin nods in agreement, giving a small yawn. "Yeah, the Entity has really gotten us limited with this."

"You still think... we'll still be able to do this?" The songbird mumbled, looking to her shoes.

"Uh duh- we're not letting this stop us." Nea says, in a tone as though it were the most obvious thing. Maybe because they all needed to hear it a loud.

"Your stubbornness will never be understood." Jake muttered, earning a glare from Nea.

"What? You just gonna give up? Where's your resilience, huh?" Nea walked up to the saboteur, poking him harshly on the shoulder. "Don't be a pussy. One obstacle is thrown your way, so what? You gonna trip on it and lay there or you gonna get back up and keep running?"

"Quite the motivator." Kate whispers, still agreeing with Nea's words.

"Well of-fucking-course. When (Y/n) isn't here, someone's gotta do it." Hands were on her hips as she glanced over to the Cannibal not too far away. Four of the survivors that were in a trial appeared back. A sigh leaves Nea's nose and she looks to the ground, "I just don't want the poor woman to give birth in this shitty place, okay? Can we all agree with that?"

"What are we taking about?" Claudette raises a brow, dusting off her pants. "Three of us escaped, by the way." She informs the others.

Nea nods, before giving her the brief explanation. "Just telling them why we shouldn't be deterred by the whole perimeter thing."

The botanist smiles, "you're not wrong. And I agree with you, having a child be born in this place wouldn't be the best."

"Make it a goal not to let it happen?" Kate says, hoping for their agreement too.

"'Course, we haven't given her the credit she's due." Quentin shrugs, "I mean, she's the real motivator."

"Wonder when we'll see her again. I'm sure she isn't safe around the other killers like us." Claudette mumbles quietly, letting the silence fall on their camp.


Time passes, and your baby bump get's increasingly bigger.

To just think you're in your third trimester is a lie. You had a very strong feeling you were, though you weren't a huge expert on it. As time wasn't exactly distinguishable in this realm.

You'd rant to Michael how you missed the taste of food, being able to go outside and see animals and birds other than crows. To see Keith and Jess and converse with Leah and Amélia again.

Michael couldn't fulfill your wishes, but he made up for it.

You're never truly lonely, which is a lot on it's own. Whether you're feeling down about it, he'd treat your moods his way. It surprised you one night when you were feeling far sadder than usual. You were given quiet reassuring words, not to mention him adding; "your sadness would affect the children's, and I wouldn't want to see any of you that way." A sentence that brought a smile to your lips, because no matter how cold he can act sometimes. He'd give up that facade just to make sure you're okay.

You were granted a different set of clothes too, which you were (despite it being the Entity) grateful. Your old clothes wouldn't fit so easily with your growing belly.

"Being pregnant is hard."

Michael tilts his head, amusement shown in his eyes. "Of course." He chooses to sign.

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