Chapter XXXIV: [ENDING 1]

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《A/n: If you are un-pleased with this ending, go ahead and read the other (if you want).

Please read the authors note that was published before these endings.


It was unnoticeable at first, and you continued on with life because you were clueless.


“Aww, they're so big now! I remember when they were so small… ahh, but they're still adorable.” Leah laughed, she looking towards the two toddlers who chased each other around the legs of their father, Elena chasing after Elier.

Amélia hums in agreement, turning to you, her eyes gleam. Unable to see, yet your awareness of what possible scene was present, was keen, to say the least.


“Yeah, they've definitely grown a lot…” You smile, shutting your eyes in contention. You knew Michael could handle it if they went too far, Elena wasn't the best when knowing when to stop her playing. Elier, not wanting to be tackled into a hug by his sister, continued to try and hide from her behind their dad.

“You never really realize how much time has passed until you see how much other grow.” Amélia comments. “I'd spoil them but I don't want their behaviour to be spoiled as well…”

“Aw, give ‘em a toy or two, or a cute plush! You know, I doubt they'd decline that.” Leah chirps, looking over as Meg pads into the room. “Hey Meg,” the British woman greets. You had invited them all over for the twins birthday, sometimes it almost felt like mere days had passed, other times it felt like years. In reality, it had only been three. Four years for time to fly, for you to adjust to the consequences, and for Michael to learn where he felt comfortable in the house. As well as the time for Elena and Elier to grow.

“Hey.” The woman replies with a wave, a grin on her face as Claudette walks after her. The two had decided to room together after Meg got a job and Claudette could finally deal with school. Both were now living steady lives, slowly the troubles of nightmares in the realm had died down into memories.

“Meg! You know we gotta get the things!” Claudette grabs the athletes shoulder, stopping her in her tracks.

“Detty! I just wanted to drop by first to see them!” She replies with a grin, Michael was unmoving when she approaches, and scoops up Elena. The young girl gasped, looking to see it was her ‘Auntie Meggo’ and began to laugh.

Elier finally came to a halt, hugging one of Michael's legs as he watched Elena be hugged by Meg. Michael patted his head, and the boy looked up to his father with uncertainty. Elier had always been a bit reluctant about any contact from those who aren't his parents. Michael nods, gesturing for the boy to greet his family friend.

Elier puffs his cheeks and walks over in a way that is almost trudging. He accepts the short hug from Meg, who was aware he wasn't the social type so she gave him a squeeze before letting him bounce back to his dad. Michael glanced your way as he picked Elier up, yet you had a distant look on your face.

“Megan,” Claudette tapped her foot, her familiar firm mother-like tone setting in. “Come on, we'll see them later.”

“But Detty…” Meg pressed her cheek to Elena's as she gave Claudette a set of puppy dog eyes. Elena giggled. “I know you wanna hug them too.”

Claudette’s expression falters, mumbling her breath, “well yeah but…”

Leah gives a laugh, “I can come help if you'd like me to as well.” The brunette suggests. “Amélia can chill here.” She swings an arm around the woman.

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