Chapter XXIX: Blinded Before Birthed

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《A/n: Slight scene of birth (nothing to descriptive.) Babie names are credited to: AutumnCat9 for the female name, and Minerrockss for the male name. The spinner choose names that both start with an 'E', coincidence? I think not!》

Everything felt as though it were spinning.

Your hearing muffled, distorted as you tried to make sense of the senseless words being spoken around you.

There was a lingering pain in your eyes. Aren't they open? Y...Your eyes were open, why can't you see anything?

"" You choked out, trying to grasp at the thin sheets under where you laid.

Where are you? You're...

In a hospital.

"(Y/n)...? Oh God (Y/n)? Can you hear me?"

Keith? You try to calm your initial panic, though it was painstakingly difficult. You nod, breathing uneven your hand instinctively moved to your stomach.

"(Y/n) we're in the hospital... oh God... okay, I need you to breath, your going into labor." You hear him swear under his breath. "Is she okay?!" You assume he asks a doctor or nurse who was also wheeling the bed you laid on to another place.

"I can't tell you with certainty."

You let out a pained noise, shutting your eyes, concious enough to realize you indeed cannot see anything with them open.

You felt dizzy, still filled with confusion and panic while at the same time, trying to calm down.

The bed stopped, hearing the sounds of shuffling and clicking while you knew people must be rushing around you.

You feel someone grab your hand tightly, realizing it's Keith's when he spoke. "Y-you... okay- fuck." You force a smile, still trying to calm him even with your own turmoil. "We're gonna get you through this okay?"

You nod slowly, your eyes shutting tightly.

"I need you to push okay? We can go for a natural birth but if something happens we'll do a c-section." You hear the woman speak, guessing she was the doctor you nod.

Your hand was brought to Keith's forehead, hearing him mutter under his breath; "Gods, I'm so glad your alive... I'm so glad you're out..." It was repeated again and again. You lower lip trembles, trying to wrap around everything while in the middle of giving birth.

Oh to hell with it right now. You mentally cursed out, a pained cry leaving you when pushed on the doctors command.


You didn't know how much time had passed.

You were left exhausted, falling in and out from slumber. You mind in a daze while you heard the sound of your children crying.

You were out. Free, and alive.

You were given the two children to breastfeed immediately, after a brief check up on their condition. A blanket laid over you three to keep warm.

Keith was sitting by you, silent. Though you felt the heavy aura he carried. Then he spoke up;

"Y-you... oh geez. Are you okay?" He spoke in a way as though he didn't know what to say. Just as confused and lost. He began to whisper, so you listened, "you just... appeared in bed a night ago. You looked like you were sleeping. I panicked when I saw you were... crying blood? I called an ambulance, and while you were being driven to the hospital I guess you went into labor...?"

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