Chapter 6 (Killing)

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Stacey POV.

"Stacey?" He repeated my name again and I was definitely not going to change my mind about saying everything is not fine. Every time I always try putting people before me and what do I get nothing. Not even a thank you.

"I said everything is not fine Liam." I repeated my answer again trying to hold my tears back.

"Everything seems fine to me." Liam said making the old man smile. what the hell is wrong with him. I almost cried.


But I wasn't going to show any weakness infront of them. He really doesn't care about me just like everyone else.

"Can you leave now please." The man said as Liam raised an eyebrow at him.

"Do you mind me borrowing her quickly? I promise I will bring her back." Liam asked the man and the man quickly nod his head smiling at Liam.

Liam must be really his lost son because they f*cking the same. Liam grabbed my arm and walked me to the opposite corner of the hall.

"Let go off me." I snapped at him as he quickly took his hand off me.

"Did he touch you?" He asked ignoring me. He wants to know now if he touched me when he didn't care a minute ago.

"Didn't you just say everything seems fine?" I asked "Then why do you care now?" I added tears started to drop from my eyes. Only god knows how long I was keeping those tears in my eyes.

"I heard everything that happened between you too. Why do you think I interrupted you when he threatened you?" He asked making me shock. So that's why I couldn't find him the whole time. He was hiding somewhere spying on me. I would've been angry at him but right now I was actually glad.

"What should I do then ?" I asked because I seriously didn't know what else to say.

He smiled "Take him outside and we will see if he tries anything to you."

"Why ? what are you up to Liam?" I asked because I know Liam his up to something, especially when he smiles.

"I just want to have prove for his wife. Wouldn't you want to know how your husband acts outside the house?" He asked making me nod my head softly.

"Don't cry please." He said sounding like he was actually begging me so I nod my head and walked away.

I took deep breaths and walked to the old man.

"Took you long." He said.

"Why don't we--"

"Shall we." He said interrupting me as he took my hand and walked outside with me. If I ever thought I was going to vomit over someone then definitely it's him.

"Shit my car is on the other side." He said as soon as we were outside.

"How about." I said almost vomit inside my mouth. He grabbed my hand and walked to the corner.

I tried keeping him busy by talking to him but he just didn't want to talk and that a**hole Liam was no where to be found. I hope his not f*cking cheating me. I hope he wasn't lying when he said his going to come outside to help me.

The man shoved me against the wall as he tried to kiss me but I wasn't going to let him. I quickly punched him in the mouth and tried running away because I knew now that Liam isn't coming. He lied, his a f*cking liar I don't know why I believed him. Why did I even trust him ?

He grabbed my arm before I could even run away from him. I tried to make him let me go but he just wouldn't., I bit him but that didn't work too. This is what he wanted. He wasn't going to let me go! he wants me right now and he looks like he wasn't even going to give up but so was I.

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