Chapter 18 *Liam killed my baby*

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It's been two weeks since I lost my baby. I haven't talk to anyone and I refused to go to school. I have been numb. My whole world crushed again just like when I was seven. I don't know why I'm cursed, what did I do to deserve this?

"You hardly eat Stacey, you losing so much weight and Liam won't be happy. You can't expect to eat one or maybe twice a day." Calum said bringing me food. I wish Eros was here at least he would take good care of me.

"You know his going to come back today and he will kill me if he sees you like this." Calum continued talking but I just looked at him like I'm deaf.

"You going to have to go to school Stacey and you will have to move on. That night was an accident and you still alive, your bones and everything----."

"I'm still alive?" I looked at him and he had a smile because he was surprise for two weeks I haven't spoke to anyone. "I'm still alive Calum but your brother murdered---he killed my baby." It hurt more to say those words out loud. He was shock to hear what I said, he kept shaking his head.

"Were you. . .pregnant?" He asked and I started crying and went to bed. "Stacey why didn't you tell him? Why didn't you tell us anything?" He continued questioning me but I didn't speak to him. The memories of that night came to my head.

"I hate him." I shouted crying. "He killed my baby, Calum."

"He didn't know. You can't tell him Stacey or else his going to kill everyone." Calum said and I looked at him confused wiping my tears. "Liam might also kill us too, he loves children. Stacey promise me you will never utter a word about being pregnant to Liam."

"I don't care about him Calum."

"Promise me Stacey. We can't all die for a mistake, I know how it feels to lose a baby. My girlfriend died pregnant and Liam and I still blames ourselves. Promise me you won't ever tell----."

"What should angel promise you?" Liam asked standing with his arms across his chest.

"To eat because she thinks she's gaining weight." Calum said lying.

"Angel, you look perfect the way you are. Is anyone calling you fat or other names at school?" Liam walked to me and staring to ran his threw my hair. "You look tired did something happen to you?" He asked and I went to bed ignoring him.

"Is my Angel sick?" Liam questioned Calum.

"She is tired because she had a long day at school. Now lets give her space and you can tell me where you sister took you." After a couple of minutes I opened my eyes to see if they were still in my room. They were both gone and I was happy because I can't face Liam.

I sat on my bed and started eating. What's the use of living when you have nothing to live for?

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I ate my food. I wish you felt how I fell Liam, I wish you were dead.

"YOU DID WHAT?" I heard Calum shout and I quickly ran to the door to listen to what they were talking about.

"Don't raise your voice at me, especially when angel is sleeping." Liam replied pointing his index finger at Calum. "And yes, Lexie took me to a psychologist as if I'm crazy so I killed him because he told me shit as if he knows me."

"You can't kill someone just because they call you something you don't like. Liam, Stacey is seventeen, she will be eighteen soon and the way you hit her up made her scared of you." Calum told him and I saw Liam shaking his head angry.

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