Chapter 20*Everything is ruined*

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Liam's POV.

I waited in the waiting room and I couldn't stop thinking about how she ruined my plans. If only she didn't push me out of the way and get shot then the mayor wouldn't have been alive right now.

"Liam, what happened?" My sister asked running to me. "Calum just told me Stacey is in hospital."

"She ruined my plans sister. I swear I could've killed the mayor today and tomorrow would've been Salvatore's D-Day but no! Stacey had to act like a hero and push me out of the way. I had everything planned out."

"Yes Lexie, Liam and I had a fight with the gangsters and before we killed them all they told us the mayors plan. Last week we thought he would show up but we figured out they changed the date. I was supposed to kill the sniper and shoot Liam on the arm after he kills the mayor and afterwards we would all act like Liam died but Stacey---." He paused and I shook my head. "Stacey ruined the whole plan, she pushed Liam out of the way before I could shoot him but I swear I wasn't the one who pulled the trigger."

"Wait a second." Lexie said raising her hand. "You mean to tell me that after you shot the sniper you were going to shoot my only baby brother?" Lexie asked and Calum nod his head. "But you didn't shoot him because Stacey pushed him into out of the way." She added and Calum continued nodding his head. "But instead you shot Stacey in the arm."

"No." Calum snapped. "You have to believe me, I killed the snipper but before I could shoot Liam after he would shoot the mayor, Stacey pushed him then I stopped. I promise you."

"Then who shot Stacey if the snipper is dead?" I asked Calum and he shrugged his shoulders. "Call Rex and ask him if his friend has information for us." I ordered Lexie and she started calling Rex. My phone started ringing and I answered it.

"You can outsmart everyone but not me Liam Salvatore." I knew whoever was on the other side of the phone was using a machine voice. "That bullet was meant for you, but I must say she loves the wrong guy. Stacey Collins twin of Eros Salvatore, oops did I spill the beans. I mean you already figured that Zayn Collins is still alive so what's the use. Anyways Liam there's no use talking to an emotional man like you especially when your love might die any day now."

"Who are you." I shouted.

"You know me Liam, trust me. We might a couple of times before. So anyways next time make sure Calum kills both the snipers and not only one because who knows, you might get kill for real thinking your friend shot you. Upgrade your plan next time Liam or angel might just be gone. Till next time, my angel." He started laughing and hung up.

"Who was it?" Calum asked.

"How come you didn't even know there was two snipers, I thought you said you checked everywhere. If my angel didn't think than---." I paused remembering what the guy said. 'Angel.' How did he even know I call Stacey that? Unless he wasn't lying when he said I might him before. "Calum you better start praying that angel is as healthy as she was before all of this or else I swear--."

"Liam." Lexie shouted. "You won't believe this." She continued. "Our informer died but before she was killed by the mayor she gave Rex some useful information. Liam, Stacey isn't save and you know that girl loves you so much to take a bullet for you. Liam we have to get Stacey to safety. They have a bad plan that would ruin Stacey's life. You know the mayor ruins a human trafficking--."

"You mean to tell me that they want Stacey to be part of the human trafficking. Lexie tell me you mistaken because that fucker is definitely messing with me. I swear I'll cut his whole body to pieces and burn him after that." I told my sister interrupting her and she nod her head as a tear left her eye. I'll make him pay for everything.

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