Chapter 35*Betrayal*

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I stood in the middle of Liam and the mayor. I don't know who to choose right now. I know they both want to kill me. I have never been so scared in my entire life. I just hope I make it out of here alive.

"Eight." Liam uttered and the mayor giggled. I don't know what Liam meant by that number but somehow the mayor knew what it means.

"I remember Liam. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I also remember the day, I tortured you. I just wish I actually killed you then." The mayor said.

"I know you regret not killing me that night." Liam smiled at him. "But today, might be your last day so try your best to kill me, Drake."

"Trust me, I will." Mayor said and Wyatt came downstairs pointing his gun at Liam. "If you give up now I might let Stacey live but not your child."

"He isn't outnumbered." Calum said, coming from the front door. "I told you, I would wait for fifteen minutes." He winked at Liam.

"You shouldn't have come Calum because now you will die with him." The mayor warned him. "I have a suprise for you. I am sure you going to love it." The mayor continued. "Honey, you can come out now." He shouted and Lexie came out. My heart broke as she pointed the gun at her own brother. I know Liam loves her more than anything in this world so why would she do this to him.

"Lexie, you should point the gun that way." Calum said.

"I know which side I am on." Lexie smiled. "I always knew I am on his side. I hate you so much Liam, all my life I tried my best to just forget everything but you didn't make it easy for me."

"I told you, salvatores betray one another." The mayor giggled. "Come on Liam and Calum, put down your guns." Lexie started laughing.

"You are right." She agreed with the mayor. "But the thing is we don't turn against each other, Liam and I will always have each other's backs." She turned the gun at the mayor. "All the times I kissed you and that one night I slept with you. I did it for my brother, I would've never even touch you with a stick. You horrible and ugly. You are a monster and I hate you. I will always hate you. You killed my family and blamed my brother. How can you be so heartless?"

"Babe, let's talk about this. Please don't do this to me, you are pregnant with my child. Do you really think our baby will forgive you for killing me." The mayor said.

"You pregnant?" My brother questioned, coming in with his gun. "Lexie, how could you do this to me. You locked me up because you said you didn't want me to get hurt but now I know the real reason why you. I can't believe you fooled me. I thought your brother was bad but you worse." Zayn shouted. He always had a short temper since we were kids but right now I'm just scared he will do something stupid. "You know what I think right now?" He asked pointing the gun at her. "I'll kill this bastard child you carrying."

"Zayn, don't do it." I tried to stop him but the mayor grabbed me.

"Put down your guns." The mayor shouted holding a gun on my head. "Or else I'll kill her." He warned them and they all put their guns down except Liam. "Salvatore, I swear I'll do it."

"I don't care." Liam shouted. "You can kill her but I will still kill you and your son."

"Liam, put down your gun." Zayn snapped.

"I don't work for any of you and you all know I don't care if angel dies or not." Liam said. I wanted to beg him to put down his gun but I couldn't. I know he doesn't care about me or the baby so what's the use of begging him.

"I will count to ten and if you don't put your gun down, I'll shoot her." The mayor warned Liam and Zayn grabbed Lexie.

"I'll break her neck if you don't put down the guns. Liam this isn't personal but I will kill your sister if you don't put down the gun." Zayn told Liam.

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