Chapter 10 (Poison)

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Stacey's POV.

"You will have to read page 231, for your homework." Mr Philip said waking me up.

"Is that it? No homework?" I asked lifting my head up. Everyone's attention were all on me I don't know why but whatever I said made them all angry.

"So you don't think that's homework okay then Ms Stacey Marshall." Mr Philip open his book "I want everyone one of you in two to four pairs and do an act you can choose whoever you want but it should be related to Shakespeare or abuse.

"I'm with Liam." Britney yelled.

"I'm with Stacey." Liam quickly whispered bored.

"I'm with Rain." Jayden winked at Rain.

"I'm with Wyatt." Kaitlyn  shouted getting up after all he was her boyfriend.

"Enough!" Mr Philip said hitting his book on the table "No one will choose I'll put you in a group myself." He scan the classroom.

"I'll start with Stacey." He said making me pray it isn't Liam or kaitlyn. I don't have enough energy to deal with them.

"Stacey and Calum." Mr Philip said widening Liam's eyes. Thank god at least it's Calum I'll do with the acting.

"Liam and kaitlyn." Both Liam and kaitlyn turned to each other anyone with eyes could see they wanted to murder each her other.

"Wyatt and Britney." Kaitlyn glared at Britney making Britney roll her eyes because she didn't want Wyatt too rather she wanted Liam.

"Jayden and Rain." As soon as Mr Philip said they all started shouting. It's obvious that Jayden and Rain are Romeo and Juliet. They both love each other so much so everyone was jealous they were staying together.

Britney was begging kaitlyn and she agreed to swipe but Liam was also changing with Calum. Wyatt even asked Calum to swipe which made he almost say yes because he didn't want me and Liam together I don't know why.

Finally Calum agreed to swipe with Liam and Britney was so angry that she took Wyatt back. It was actually obvious that Britney also wanted Calum but she was too jealous that Liam is with me so she took Wyatt from kaitlyn to make her get Liam back.

But we all know Liam and he definitely told her to go f*ck if she thinks his going to agree to be with her. Finally after minutes of arguing in the class today the bell ring and i quickly got up leaving the class now at least I can get home and just sleep.

Liam grabbed me by my hand dragging me to his car as he opened the door I went in because I didn't have the strength to fight or argue with anyone today. He told Calum something that made him get in his car in a hurry.

"Where you taking me?" I asked as he was driving so fast and I couldn't recognize the places we were passing by.

"Haven't you learnt your lesson of talking back at me?" He asked as he come to his destination "Don't talk just stay close to me, or do you rather want to stay in the car which I can't guarantee you that I'll find you back in the car when I come back." I first quickly nod when he asked but he said he can't guarantee it made scared.

I quickly got out of the car and walked with him to what looked like a place where containers are kept. What the hell is an eighteen year old school boy doing here? First he had a gun and now his at this weird place. God his really crazy.

Pregnant by a psycho  ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя