chapter7-Oscar award what the f*ck

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Liam's POV.

I don't know what's wrong with this girl but she's definitely not normal. Sitting in the street and crying is definitely not my version of normal.

I took her inside my house as I carried her upstairs she kept hitting me to put her down. As soon as I opened the door I put her down and she looked at me angry.

"What are you up to Stacey?" I asked because I didn't know whether I should be scared of her right now.

"Why does everyone hate me." she asked taking my jacket off.

"No one hates you angel." I asked as I turned around to give her, her space.

"I'm I useless?" She asked hitting me with my jacket

"Stop it." I quickly turned around and grabbed my jacket away from her. She's really crazy. Rule #2 I'll have to make sure Stacey never drinks again or at least don't get drunk.

"You know." She took a few steps towards me and to be honest she was really scaring me "I like you." I hit the wall with my back. I'm trying my best to resist her and yet she's not making it easy for me.

"Everyone likes me angel." I was lying, everyone fears me that's why they act like they like me.

She tried to kiss me and as soon as her lips were on mine I pushed her away breaking the kiss. She is too drunk to think straight right now.

"You see, you don't want me. Every guy wanted to make a move on me but no I didn't want them but now." She said giving me an evil look if people really always say I look scary then there's definitely no word that can describe her.

"I  want you." She snapped at me but I know my right. I know she wouldn't do this if she wasn't drunk. Someone please have mercy on me. For once I'm trying to do the right thing and she's not helping.

"Ooh no! why you smiling Stacey." I asked as she started laughing. If I seriously make it alive out of this room then i deserve an Oscar award.

she quickly tried pulling my pants down but I wasn't going to let her I tried my best to pull it back up but she was not giving up. I would've just slept with her already if she was one of those girls that sleeps around but I know she isn't because if she was she could've just slept with that old man and still get paid money if she asked.

"Don't you want me?" She asked still holding my f*cking pants.

"Of course I want you but not like this." I gave up with fighting over my pants with her and she just throw it away.

"Is it because I don't know any tricks?" She asked but I definitely didn't understand what she met until my dirty brain thought about s** damn she's really crazy when she's drunk.

"Stacey are you a virgin ?" I know I wish my angel would be a virgin but right now I wouldn't want her to be because she's making a huge mistake trying to get me in bed and making me be her first.

"You are my first kiss so." Did she just say... Oh no she didn't. When she kissed me that was her first ? Yuck. I wiped my mouth because I definitely don't her remembering her first kiss like this. How old is she evens ? She can f*cking drink but she never kissed before.

"What are you doing Stacey." I asked as I looked at her taking her bra off. Oh hell no people can't expect me to be in this room with a naked women and resist touching her.

"Stacey don't!" I snapped at her as she started taking her panties off. I turned around facing the wall. God please have mercy on me because i will definitely kill her if she doesn't stop this nonsense.

She tried turning me to face her but I wasn't going to. I know myself and if i turned around and see her naked I won't be able to resist her.

She started to push me and I fell I don't know whether I was weak because I saw her or whether my eyes were close trying to resist her but either way I was on the floor and she got on top of me.

"Stacey please get off me." I don't know why I was even begging her. This is what I always wanted anyways ? getting her into bed then breaking up with her but no! I can't even touch her. Because it's so wrong. So wrong of me to just sleep with her without her wanting it.

I hate rape so f*cking much and if i take advantage of her then there's no f*cking difference.

I will be f*cking needing holy water after tonight.

"I love you Liam. Why don't you love me. I'm I not good enough ?" She asked naked on top of me.

"You don't love me Stacey and you know it." I didn't know whether to tell her that I'm the one not good enough for her or not ?

"I do. It's Kaitlyn fault that I said no." Wait what ? How's Kaitlyn even in this thing. Unless that b*tch has been spreading rumors about me.

"What did she tell you about me?" I asked because I will definitely kill that girl.

"First time I saw she said she wanted you." She said as she put her head on my chest "I told her you asked me out and sh-she said I was lying."

"And then ?" I asked because I definitely wanted to know everything.

"She said I wasn't good enough for you and then she changed and said that you just want to test if I will quickly say yes or not." So she's the f*cking reason why Stacey kept rejecting me. Every f*cking time she's been lying to my angel. I come to high school just to find out that my angel loves me and the b*tch I was looking for is the reason why she hates me.

She got of me and I thank god even though I never pray. I got up and Oh no! No Stacey please don't. She started stripping and I couldn't resist anymore when she started walking back to me and kissing me.

She quickly took my T-shirt off and shorts and I started kissing her back. I picked her up and took her to bed. She will definitely regret that.

"Are you sure?" I whispered in her ear as soon as I took her to bed and she nod.



Hey guys

I can't really write lots of mature like everything that happens when having s** and stuff because there's many readers of mine that are too young and  well I know many wouldn't feel comfortable so Lemme know what y'all think I should actually do.

btw what do y'all think of crazy wild Stacey?


💜💜See u guys soon 💜💜

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