What a change

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Mia's POV:

"Here's a clean toothbrush" Lexi hands me

After showing up on her doorsteps with my suitcase, she welcomes me in with open arms and lets me stay with her. I told her what happened and she helped me calm down.
I mean, I should have expected something like this to happen. Dylan after all is a playboy and he probably doesn't even like me. That kiss maybe didn't mean anything to him. I thought it did but I guessed wrong.

Anyway, he's probably happy I left. He never    wanted me to stay with him in the first place. I'm thankful to have Lexi who said I'm welcomed to stay with her for however long I want.

"Thanks Lex" I take the toothbrush and go to the washroom. I'm staying in her room tonight since I need someone to talk to and probably won't sleep.

"Sooooo... how's it going with your man, Jimin?" I ask her

She smacks my arm
"Shut up, he's not my boyfriend" she says with a smile on her face

"Well not yet" I say as I wink at her

"It was great catching up with him and all, but honestly I don't think he sees me to be anything more than just a friend." She says as she lays down on her bed covering her face

"Are you sure? I mean did you see how he was looking at you that night? I think you're wrong" I say as I sit on the other side of the bed bringing a stack of cards as I begin to distribute them out. My favourite thing to do is play cards!

"Ya but why hasn't he said anything yet? He lives two houses down from me and he hasn't called me or anything since then. When we were younger, he used to always come over" she says as she sits up

"Lex maybe he's shy. Give him some time but I'm pretty sure he feels the same way" I tell her

"Maybe you're right" she says as we start to play a game of cards.

"So he's a singer?" I ask

"Ya he's part of a K-pop group called 'BTS'" She says as she pulls out her laptop and searches him up

"This is him performing" she shows me a video of him singing and dancing with some other guys.

"Wow! He's good!" I say impressed

"Ya I know! He amazing" she says as she drools while watching him

"Ok you can stop fangirling now" I say as I start laughing

We had random conversations and it took my mind off from what happened earlier. My phone was turned off and was somewhere in my purse. I didn't bother turning it on.


I wake up in the morning and notice it's 6am.  I decide to go out for a run and quietly change into a pair of leggings and a sports bra, tying my hair up into a ponytail trying not to wake Lexi up.

I leave the house and slowly jog to warm up along the side walk in the neighbourhood.  As I'm jogging, I see Jimin leaving his house and throwing out the garbage. We come into eye contact and I stop to say hi

"Hey! Jimin right?" I say as I stop jogging

"Hi, ya! And you're Mia, Dylan's girl" he says

"Uh no. I was staying with Dylan but I'm not his girl" I say while giving a 'I'm cringing' smile

"Oh sorry, so what are you doing here?" He asks

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