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The past week has consisted of Dylan and I house hunting. We've visited 3 different places so far and it's been quite a journey.
They've either been to small, or too big. And at times, it just didn't feel like a place we wanted to call home.
Dylan has been by my side this whole week and has been very caring. I honestly love this man and I can't believe how well everything is going. I'm excited for next week to start our project with Emanuel who will be arriving from France.

Today, we are meeting with our agent to show us a new built house on Hollywood hills. It's a beautiful area up on the hills of LA.
Dylan and I arrive and pull up into the drive way of the house and my jaw immediately drops. It was a beautiful modern design house with glass panels and beautiful stone stairs leading to the door.

"This, wow this is beautiful" I say

"I knew you would like this one" Dylan says

We get out of the car and Dylan holds my hand as we walk towards our agent Joan.

"Hey Joan" I say

"Mr. and Mrs. Moore, I hope your both doing well. Shall we take a look around?" She says and walks into the home

I've told her so many times that my name isn't mrs. Moore But Dylan insist she called me that. I don't know why he can be so stubborn at times.

We walk into the house and I fall even more In love with the beautiful interior design. It was a furnished house with a beautiful grey and white living room and dinning room with hint accents of dark blue and a bit of yellow. The kitchen was a beautiful white marble  kitchen with a long and huge island in the middle

"I can soo see us having sex on this island" I hear Dylan whisper in my ear while squeezing my But from behind

"Shh" I whisper back with a smirk forming hoping Joan didn't hear him. God he can be so crazy at times. I let out a smile and smack his hand away and walk in front of him

We walk upstairs and there are 4 rooms and an office. I already know that the office will be shared amongst Dylan and I, and the other room will be used as a designer space for moi. There is a beautiful swimming pool outside of the lovely view of LA.
After giving us as tour, Joan decides to give us some time alone. She walks out of the house and tells us she'll be right outside.

Dylan and I walk around a bit inside the house looking around until we come back to the living room

I can't help but look around like an amazed child. This house was it. It has to be!

I had a huge smile on my face and I couldn't believe my eyes

Dylan is behind me when I say "baby I think this is it! I think this is the one. What do you think?"

"If you love it, I love it" he says

I turn to face him and when I turn around, I feel my knees start to shake. My whole world freezes when I see him down on one knee holding out a box with a ring in it.

"Mia, you have been the light of my life ever since I laid eyes on you. You have changed me into the man I have become today. We've had our ups and downs but we somehow always end up back together. I love you and I want to continue loving you until I die. I want to spend each waking moment with you. I want to be with you for the rest of our lives, Watch our family grow together. This house will be the start of our family which is why I chose this moment to ask if you will also want to spend each waking moment with me. If you will also want to watch our family grow together. Mia Clark, will you marry me?" He asks

I kneel down as well and meet his height. I grab his face and look him in the eyes while smiling
"Yes! Yes yes yes!" I say and give him a heart filling kiss. I put my arms around his neck and tangle my hands in his hair

He pulls away after a few seconds and he pulls the ring out of the box and grabs my hand. My hand is shaking as he try's to put the ring on my finger. It was a beautiful elegant wedding ring with one big diamond in the middle and 2 small ones on each side.
"I love you so much" I say

"I love you too" he responds and kisses me back

I'm internally crying
Their so damn cute 🤧
More to come
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Until then.... happy reading
Bye for now 💋

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