Cooking up a beautiful baby

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The next morning goes by. We wake up and I get ready for the appointment. Dylan decides to drive us and we get to the clinic.
My name is called and we enter the room waiting for my doctor. I never imagined Dylan actually coming to one of my appointments. Honestly, I didn't think I would still even be pregnant. But life doesn't allow you to make a decision very quickly now does it?

Almost 6 months along... wow I've gotten big(ger). As I sit on the bed, I hear the doctor walk in.

"Hello dear Mia, I hope your doing well. Oh and it looks like we have a visitor!" She exclaims

"Dr. Sheena, this is my u-mm, uh this is Dylan. He's my friend and uh-" I'm cut off

"-I'm the baby daddy. Nice to meet you Dr. Sheena" Dylan introduces himself with a smirk

"Oh great! We have a father! I'm very glad you are able to join us here today Dylan. Now shall we get started?" She asks

"Yup let's do this" I say

After she applies the cold gel, she starts the ultrasound.

"Alright, the baby is looking fine and looks very healthy. The heart beat is fine and it's developing well. Do you still not want to know it's gender?" Dr. Sheena asks

I look at Dylan who has been in awe this whole time looking at the screen.
He squeezes my hand slightly and looks at me with pleading eyes

"No Dylan, I don't want to yet." I tell him. I really don't want to know the gender. That will just make it even harder for me to decide. He gets a bit of a disappointed look on his face however I still tell the doctor that we didn't want to know.

"Ok, I recorded the ultrasound and the heartbeat so I'll play it back for you and leave you two alone" she says. She plays the video and leaves the room.

We start to hear the little heart beat softly beating. It gets me every fricken time and when I turn to see Dylan, I see his eyes starting to water. Both of us smiling, we look at each other and tears start to slide down his face. He puts a hand on my belly and I wipe his tears of happiness.
Fuck this! I start to feel my eyes water up too but their not happy tears. Their stress tears.

"Mia this is so beautiful. This is the most amazing thing I have ever heard beside the sound of your voice" he says softly and brings his face near mine.

"I love you mi'amore" he says and I start to feel the tears stroll down

"Mi'amore why are you crying?" He asks worried

"Nothing" I say with a sad smile. "I love you too" I answer back.
I give him a small peck on the lips and we hear the doctor come back.
As I'm getting cleaned up and dressed, the doctor asks a few questions about my health etc.
"Alright dear, I think we're about done? Have you yet made a decision because I know last time you still weren't sure and needed some more time" Dr. Sheena says

Dylan who's holding my hand looks at me with surprised eyes.
"Decision? But didn't we decide that we were going to make this work?" He asks a big annoyed

For the love of god. Why can't my life just take a chill pill and while at it, give one to Dylan.

I let go of Dylan's hand and look towards the doctor.
"I think I still need more time" I say quietly

"Ok, and Mia, if you ever need anything, I'm here for you" Dr. Sheena says with a soft smile as she grabs my hands.

Dr. Sheena and I go way back. She is such s sweet friend and doctor. She recently opened a clinic here in LA which is to my convenience.

"Thanks Doctor" I say with a smile back

"Uh, sorry before we go, i just wanted to know if it's possible to move to another clinic if she were to move to a different city?" Dylan asks

Wait. What? Move? I'm not moving my ass anywhere

"I'm pretty sure it won't be difficult. I don't see why not. But she isn't allowed to fly in a couple months so I suggest going soon." She says

We finally get into the car and that's when I decide to let out my steam.....

"What the hell was that?" I ask

"What's wrong?" He asks with worried eyes

"Dylan! I'm not moving anywhere" I say

"I was just asking to know for the future. I mean it's not like your going to live here in LA forever. We can buy a house and you can move back to New York City with me. You can come back home" he says

I turn to fully face him while in the car
"Home? Dylan, LA is my home! Not New York and don't you get the picture? I'm not even fucking sure if I know what I want to do yet so can you stop pretending as if everything is fine and that we're going to move in together, get married and live happily ever after!?!?" I say and let out a puff of air

"But, I just don't understand as to why you're having a difficult decision? Didn't we say a couple months ago that everything is fine and that we will do this togeather?" He asks in a soft voice

I'm surprised he wasn't yelling back....

"Dylan it's not that easy. Our office got a call from a top French designer in France and wants to work on a collab with me. I have been working my whole life for this moment but it requires me to move to Europe and work with him for a few months. I can't just move to Europe 8 months pregnant! And I can't let this opportunity go" I say with a sigh and fall back against the seat

Dylan doesn't say a word for a good 2 minutes. He just looks down at his hands. After a moment of internal thought, he decides to speak

"Mia, I can't just lose this baby and you again. I want to try to make us work. I want to have a family with you" he says as he grabs my hands

I bring my hand up to his face and caress his cheek
"I know. But I also can't lose everything I've ever worked for. I can't lose my career" I say with a sad smile and I feel a tear go down

I lean my forehead against his and we just stay there for a moment.

"God we're probably cooking up such a beautiful baby" he says

"Omg Dylan" I say and let out a laugh
"I'm serious! What are we gonna do? I need to let Carlos know of my decision because we need to let-" I'm cut off

"Ya I know, you need to let French guy know" he says while rolling his eyes

He turns the car engine on

"And do you find this French guy attractive? Or is he single?" Dylan asks while tightening his grip on the wheel

I let out a little laugh to see how some things never change. "God no, and he's also like 30 years older than me. He has 4 kids and a lovely wife so I won't be going anywhere" I say with a giggle

"Good because your mine" he says in a lower voice

"Sadly I know" I say with a smirk and give him a kiss on the lips.
He brings my head closer and deepens the kiss. Throughout the years, I don't think I've ever lost what I felt for Dylan. It's always been there and being with him make its feel right.
He softly bites my lip and I let out a small moan. We finally disconnect and we drive home.

Hello my wonderful lovelies!!!!
So, I have finally broken out of my box and started writing.
YOU ARE WELCOME for the double update
I'm sooo happy you guys are reading and enjoying and please let me know what you think!
More to come but we are coming to a close end prettyyy soooon.
Just a quick update on things:
I recently was eligible and submitted to the wattys so fingers crossed 🤞 we win!
Also, we got to 8K reads likeOMGFGGG

Anyway, don't wanna bother you guys but Happy reading
And don't forget to vote, like and comment your thoughts 😉
Bye for now 💋

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