Here we come

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The past couple weeks went by in a blur. After meeting Chris, I thought more about my future and what I want to do. We stayed in contact with each other and he helped me prepare my portfolio to apply for Otis college of art in Los Angeles.
Since he's already a student there, he knows what they look for etc.
It's really hard to get into that school so I doubt I'll actually get in. Which is why I didn't bother telling Dylan.
He's always busy with work and I don't see him as often as I used to. I talked with my mom the other day and told her about my school plans. She supports the idea and is happy I'm trying to follow into her footsteps. She says she's been very busy on her trip, I really miss her tho.

I was in my office at work sending out some emails when I get a text from Dylan

Come to my office

Ok..... I go to his office and see him at his desk on his computer.
As I enter, his focus on the computer shifts to me. I walk up to his desk and sit in the chair in front of him

I sit there and he just stares at me. Uhh....

"Hi?" I say

He doesn't answer

"Dylan? You told me to come to your office" I confirm

After a minute, his focus goes back to his computer and he starts sending an email, after clicking 'send' he looks back at me

"I just sent you an itinerary, I'm going to Spain tomorrow for a business meeting and conference" he says

I just sit in silence, ok? What am I supposed to say?

"Uh ok. That's great?" I say

"Were going for a week so it's not too long" he says and goes back to his computer

"Wait what? WE!" I ask, did I hear incorrectly

He looks at me with a smirk and confirms it "yes we, we are going to Spain tomorrow for a week" he says

"What! Omg this is so exciting! I've never been to Spain" I say as I get up from the chair with excitement

"Check your email for the itinerary, our flight departs at 9am" he says with a smile

"That's great! Aye I'm so excited" I say as I come near him

He gets up and I give him a hug, then I pull away and give him a peck on the lips

"Ok I better get back to work. Don't wanna loose my fake job" I say with a smirk and turn to leave

"Ya ok. I finish at 4pm so we'll go together?" He asks, more like confirm

"Sounds perfect" I say and open the office door to go out


When we get home, I grab a suitcase and start packing some clothes and other necessities for our trip. I also add a bathing suite, I hope there's a swimming pool, ughh I've been dying to go for a swim

After I'm done packing, I go out to the living room to see Dylan watching TV
He already had one of the maids pack his bag during the day.
I go and sit beside him on the couch and he pulls me close to him. I lie my head on his shoulder and enjoy his embrace

"Why are you taking me?" I ask him a bit curious. Like he could have just gone by himself and came back, why does he want to take me?

He doesn't answer for a minute, then he begins to talk
"You're right, I usually go for one night and come back. But I decided that this would be a good opportunity to take a small break and spend it with you" he says as he looks at me with a small smile

My heart melted, I was excited to spend this week with Dylan.

I wake up to the sound of the alarm going off and Dylan and I instantly wake up. We both change and head out the door with our luggages

Dylan drives us to the airport but he doesn't go to the main entrance but continues driving to a private gate. There was a security guard sitting at a booth and Dylan pulled out a card for the security guard to scan. After a moment, he gave us an all clear and the gate opened.
As he continues driving, I ask him "Dylan where are we going?"

He pulls up In front of a private jet and parks his car

"To the plane" he says with a smirk and gets out of the car

He gets out and hands his car keys to a valet parking there

He helps me with my luggage and we go up the steps to the plane

We are welcomed by a few flight attendants and they tell us to take a seat. The jet was beautiful! Leather seats were sprawled across the jet and one of the flight attendants take the bags from Dylan.

"What you didn't tell me we were flying private!" I tell him as I follow him in the jet

"Ya well it is my plane" he says casually

What the hell? This guy owns a plane? This is crazy! Well it shouldn't be a surprise, I mean he is a CEO

I take a seat beside him and we fasten our seatbelts. After a few minutes, we hear the pilot speak through the speakers

"Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard Mr. Moore it is a pleasure to fly with you again. We will be departing from New York City to our destination Barcelona, Spain. The flight is estimated to be a total of 7 hours and 25min. Sit back, relax and enjoy the flight" the pilot says

The plane starts to move and go down the runway, as the speed starts to slowly increase, I get a little nervous and take in a deep breath.

"Are you ok?" Dylan asks me

"Ya I just don't like this part, makes me nervous" I say with my eyes closed, my hands were shaking but then I felt a warmth to it and the shaking stoped.
I open my eyes to see Dylan holding my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. He gives me a small smile and it calms me down.

Soon enough we were in the air. As the plane slowly stabilizes in the air as we get higher, the seatbelt sign turns off.
A little while later, the flight attendants brought breakfast. I look out the window to see only a blue sky and white clouds

Spain... here we come.....

Thanks for reading everyone!!
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Bye for now💋

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