Ahh Baby!

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These past few weeks have gone by in a blur. It's currently 10:30pm and I'm still at work with Emanuel working on a design. We've been working on this design all day and didn't even notice how late it got.
I get a text from Dylan telling me he will be here soon to pick me up so we start to wrap up and finish off.

As I'm cleaning up and grabbing my bag, I feel a sharp pain through my stomach

"Ahh" I hiss out

"Are you ok?" Emanuel asks

"I think I'm fine" I say

The elevator door opens and I see Dylan walk in

"Hi mi'amore, how are you feeling?" He asks as he comes to give me a hug

"Ahh baby!" I scream

"Wow, didn't think you would be so happy to see me" he says with a smirk

"No you idiot, BABY! My water broke" I say as I point down to the new formed puddle that's now underneath me

"Oh fuck! BABY!" Dylan yells

"Baby?" Emanuel asks

"Yes Baby, we're having a baby!" I say

"Shit we're having a baby" Dylan continues to say in delusion

"Dylan, hospital!" I snap at him

"Yes. Hospital. We're going to the hospital" he says

I start to feel contractions and man was it painful

"Mia are you ok?" Dylan asks with concern as he's speeding down to the hospital

"I'm alive, just hurry" I say taking in deep breaths

We get to the hospital and Dylan helps me out and into a wheelchair. The nurses rush me into a room and they tell me that I'm in labour and will be delivering my baby soon.

After a while of pain and contractions, Dr. Sheena arrives and tells me that it's time

The whole time, Dylan is by my side holding my hand.

Dr. Sheena tells me to start pushing and let me tell you right now. Pushing a baby out of your vagina is the most painful thing ever!

"Your doing great baby, come on you can do it" Dylan is telling me as he's holding my hand.

I push as hard as I can and let out a scream

"Deep breaths baby, you can do it. Deep breaths, focus on your bre-" I snap at him

"I swear to GOD Dylan if you tell me to take a deep breath one more time I will DIVORCE you!" I yell at him with empty accusations

"Sweetheart were not even married yet" he says with a know-it-all smile

"Shut the fuck up!" I say with gritted teeth

"You say the sweetest things" he says with sarcasm

I try to push again and let out a cry

"Dylan I'm in so much pain" I say holding his hand

"I'm sorry baby" he says pushing back the hair that's fallin on my face

"THIS is all your fault" I say pointing at my stomach and at him

"It takes two to make a baby hunny" he says with a smirk giving me a kiss on my sweaty forehead
I must smell like shit

Mia ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat