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Three days later

It has been three days since the incident between Aisha and Bashir and I'm happy to say Aisha is recovering from that.

She gave me a call that she is coming over to my house which I replied with OK I'm expecting.

Mama is now malaria-free, she is back to the Lively mama I know.

My elder brother, that is, our firstborn broke the good news to us yesterday in the evening, he said he was set to get married and that he want our parents and family to go and ask for the girl's hand in marriage. Her name is Maryam, she is an average Hausa lady and fair in complexion. We've met before and she is very nice, she finished her secondary education but was not able to further because of lack of money but ya' jabiru promised to sponsor her to nursing school if they get married and I'm so happy for that, my brother strongly support women education.

By the grace of Allah, my family is going to Maryam's house to take the Kayan gaisuwa (greeting items).

In Hausa culture when a girl is set to marry the first thing the groom's family does is that the females of his family take what we call Kayan gaisuwa. The item brought are rug or carpet, foodstuff, date, salt, cloth and some kitchen utensils like an electric kettle and many other things. These are the local way of doing it. I'm so happy for my brother and I pray Maryam would treat him right


" I've missed you, my friend," Aisha said and pulled me into a hug.

" eye girl, we met yesterday and you said you missed me," I asked surprised.

She look at me and said " but still, I still miss you and how is everyone, I can see they only left you at home "

" yes o, mama went to Mama Faisal's house and you know as usual the rest went to work and Aliyu is in school," I said with a small smile.

"Alright, so it's good that I came them and I'm so hungry," she said. " so give me something to eat" she ordered, this girl is something else.

" you know where we keep our food, so go and fetch it yourself, " I said with a smirk " you can't order me in my own house, my dear," I said with a wink which and she looked annoyed already.

" I'll tell mama you refuse to give me Food" she pouted and mama's voice was heard in the compound, she salaam. At this, Aisha's face lights up like a Christmas light so she got up and ran to tell mama I refused to give her food.

" Ameera, come out right now" mama shouted.

I lazily stood up from my room and went to meet them in the compound.

" Why didn't you give Aisha some food to eat," she said with a pointed look, and the devil Aisha is behind her smirking at me.

I pouted and said " it's a lie I told her to fetch it herself and you know Aisha with her laziness"

" she is a visitor so go and fetch it for her " mama said with that same pointed look. Aisha was laughing at me from where she stood behind Mama.

" But she knows our way around here" I grumbled.

" you this girl don't let me hit you with my slippers fa, go and bring the food for her," said mama.

I drag my leg before going to get the food for Aisha. Mama was still talking about how I should treat my friend right because she is a visitor even if she knows her way around the house.

After I took the food to Aisha I made sure to lightly hit her on the head for what she made mama did. She only laughed and try to call Mama again so I left her alone. I'll get her back, she knows it too so she should better be prepared.


" I've been meaning to ask you something and I keep forgetting to," I said from where I was sitting on the carpet floor. Aisha and I were sitting on the floor of my room.

" what is it," Aisha asked, " you remember what happened with Bashir, I mean the reason he said he broke up with you " she look at me with a confused face I mean why not, she might be wondering why I brought the issue up.

" what I'm trying to say is, you never told me that he was pestering you to have sex with him and I thought we were friends, we told ourselves what going on with the other. But I'm so happy you didn't give him what he wanted " I said with a proud smile. Aisha might appear as a bad girl sometimes but she knows when to stop.

She sigh and said " I wanted to give in to his request but I always remember what you always told me about not trusting guys. I saw it coming, the break up that is, when we were dating he sometimes calls me in the middle of the night, and sometimes when he calls I do hear a female voice in the background. Sometimes the person is either moaning or making kisses sound and whenever I ask who was it he only replies with 'that was his nephew or the telly was on or he will cover it up with some flimsy excuses. But I'm free now and I regret knowing him" she said with so much disappointment.

" do you know the worst part," she asked looking at me with a sad smile while I shoked my head " the worst part is I'm so much disappointed with myself, I was so stupid to believe all his excuses. I was such a fool," she said while shaking her head.

" Aisha don't say that please, you were never a fool. You were only blinded by love and it's all over now so stop blaming yourself for it" I went closer to her from where she was sitting and hugged her while she silently sobbed.

"I can't believe I loved that idiot, I want to forget him but I don't know-how. I'm an idiot Ameera" she silently cries on my shoulder while I pat her back. I never knew she still love him but what did I know since I've never fallen in love before.

" I know with time you will forget him he doesn't deserve you at all," I said after we pull away from the hug.

" I'm such a cry baby," said a smiling Aisha. She wipes her tears

" no more falling in love". I said. I don't know what else to say, I know she is still heartbroken with time she would give herself a second chance for love.

" salamu Alaikum" came ya jabiru's voice.

I quickly answered him with " Wa Alaikum salam"

I and Aisha went to greet him.

Why is thee back so early, I wondered.

Which was why I asked him.

" the company decided to close early today for the reason which I don't know, but anyway I decided to come home to rest" he explained

He turned to Aisha and said" hope she has to feed you with something " to which she nodded her head with a soft smile lingering on her lips.

" good, you girls can go and do whatever it is you were doing cos I'm going to rest in my room" he excused himself and went to his room.

We went back to my room to continue our girl's talk.


Don't forget to




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