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This is it guys,another update for you beautiful readers. Enjoy😃😊


The minutes I opened my eyes,the first thing I noticed was that  I wasn't in my room. where am I?,how did i get here?. I scan my brain to remember how i got here but i can't remember. I remember leaving the house in anger and i remember entering a  bar to get a drink but how comes i end up in here.

I quickly got down from bed , I pick up my trouser and shirt from the floor and began to wear them. My phone,where is it?. I search the bed,couch, nightstand but I still can't find it.

”Are you looking for this” a familiar voice said , I turn to see samira holding my phone in her hand. She was wearing a thin fabric material .What is happening? What is she doing here?. I just hope it's not what I'm thinking?

She came out of the connected door and I think it's  the bathroom. She walk closer to me with a smirk ,she wave the phone in my face and I was seriously fuming . This girl is crazy.

" Amir love, I can see you are awake already and I hope you had a wonderful night?”

A Wondeful night?she call this a Wonderful night?

”What the hell is going on here” I shouted out. She move more closer to me and trailed her hand on my chest.

" darling, don't tell me you don't remember what happened last night. Have you forgotten how you cried to me that you don't love your wife anymore. Or have you forgotten how you told me that you regret marrying her and you wish I'm the one you married instead "she said seductively while trailing her finger on my buttom lip. She  flashed me a bright smile.

I pushed her away from me in disgust , I can't stoop low to her level. Did I really told her all that?

"You're  lying"

” Dear Amir, if need to he reminded how we met yesterday then I'd . Does hunt bar ring a bell ?" She saw my confused face and said

" well when i came into the cub, I saw you drinking your heart out and me being the kind samira I was,I tried consoling you and tada , the rest was history which led us here now."

Now everything is clearer, I remembered everything now. But I wasn't  drinking alcohol . I definitely remember that I was only taking a orange juice how  did I  became  drunk ? . Except .....

You spike my drink"

Samira looked stunned.

" How can you say that. I didn't spike your drink, I didn't know that you were even there in the first place then how can you just say that I spike your drink" said samira calmly

" Do you think i trust you ? I'm definitely sure you followed me there. I know you samira, you always do things without thinking ”

” I'm sick and tired of you always judging me,I was only doing you a favour but you weren't even thankful instead you are only accusing me of spiking your drink"

I remember seeing samira entering the bar , she walk directly to me like she was there just to see me. I knew she had something under her sleeve. I guess she drug my drink when I wasn't looking and now here we are.

Music was blaring everywhere. People were enjoying themselves and me being the loner ,was at the end of the room trying to mourn my brokenhearted. Way Ameera? Why do you have to cheat on me? Aren't I good enough for her? . why did it have to come to this . I thought she loved me.

I remembered her face when I divorced her. She look so broken and I'm sure it was all an act .she only was acting. I sip my orange juice . I rose my head to look at he people around,everyone is having fun and here I'm the sad one among them all. Who am I going to pour out my heart  to, it's time like this I need my mom. She always know what to say to me in a situation like this but I don't want to burden her with my problems especially when tomorrow is her husband day. I want her to enjoy herself with her husband.

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