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" I will never forgive you, Allah ya tsine maka albarka. You disgust me " maimuna cried out as she tried to cover the remaining dignity she has left.

Hassino didn't even care that she was insulting him. He wore his clothes back in satisfaction and then turn to maimuna.

" I know you also enjoyed it so stop pretending "

" how can you deceive me like this. What crime have I committed for you to do something as harsh as raping me hassino. What have I done to you?"

" I have always liked you but never once have you even spared me a glance, you always look at me like I was a trash to you. Instead you waste your time on someone that don't even like you"

" of course, you're a trash, who will want someone like you. It shall never be well with you hassino " she uncontrollably cried out

" I will slap y......

The door was opened wide and a tired sani came inside but when he saw what was right before him , his eyes almost bulged out. A half naked maimuna was crying on the floor and a now full clothed hassino stood with raise hand like he want to slap maimuna.

" what the hell is happening here? " demanded sani

" ask this foolish girl" hassino said as he pointed at maimuna

" what are you doing here maimuna looking like this? "

She couldn't hold her tears anymore, she was crying out her shame. She was doom,who will want someone like me again as a wife,she had thought

" why are you crying. Please wear your cloth" he turn around facing the wall as he said this. When she was fully clothed he turn around to face her.

" your friend raped me" that was the only word she uttered

Sani look at his friend in shock " you did what, hassino!!?"

Hassino denied the accusations " I swear to God, Sani she is lying to you. I was studying when I heard a knock at the door, I opened the door only to see that it was maimuna. She asked if you were around and I told her you weren't but she still insisted on entering. The next thing, she tore her clothes and came to hug me begging me to have sex with her. I pushed her away but she still didn't stop, when I was about to slap her, that was when you came in. Wallahi sani, I'm saying the truth, please believe me. She is only trying to spoil my image, please save me from her. " hassino kneel on the floor as he begged his friend to believe him.

Sani was confused, he doesn't know who to believe. The only thing he said was " maimuna, please go home"

Maimuna cried out loud, no one believe her. What will I tell my parent, she had thought. She left the room with shame.

Three days later

Someone was heavily knocking at the door and it was just 7:00am.who could be knocking like that, Sani had thought. He woke hassino up and then stood up to open the door.

He met two police men " are you hassino? " one of the officer asked

" no I'm not. My friend is hassino but what crime have he committed "

" are you aware that your friend is a rapist"

" subhanallah, God forbid ,my friend is not a rapist "

" what is going on here" a now woken up hassino came to join them by the door

" can you believe that this officers are accusing you of rape" sani angrily said

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