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we bade Aisha goodbye,she walk to meet her waiting driver. Sadiya and I also walk to our driver. Few minutes later, we were on our way home. To say today was fun was an understatement, I really enjoyed this girl's time of ours. The only clause there, is samira ,I decided not to over think what she said to me. She really need to be taken to a psychiatrist , she is just saying rubbish.

sani our driver drop sadiya at the main house and next he took me to my section with Amir.

" Thanks for the ride sani, you may leave"

I walked into our apartment, I checked my wrist watch and saw that it was 5:00pm already. I brought my key out from my bag to open the door, it open with a click sound.

" assalamualaikum, " no one answer , Amir is not yet back I guess.

I walk to our bedroom " love ,I'm home"

No one was in there, he wasn't back.

I brought out my phone to call him but he was already calling, speak of the devil.

" love"

" How was school today? " Amir asked

" school was OK, the lecturers were at least lenient to us which is a good start"

" I'm happy to hear that. I'm so sorry for not calling earlier, I thought you were in class so I didn't want to disturb you"

" it nothing love. how is work?"

" work is moving, I miss you. I wish you're here with me"

I made a tsked sound " don't pull my legs love"

"nope, I think it's your heart I want to pull" he tease

I sigh" home is boring without you"

He chuckled " I'll soon end everything hear and be with you soon,just give me  some minutes to do dad, love"

" alright, come home soon" I hanged up

I busied myself in the kitchen in preparing dinner. I plan on making something tantalizing for Amir, I want to make our night magical. To hell with what samira said,she is just one of our haters and I'm not leaving any room for that.

Few minutes later, everything was ready. I went into our room to recite my isha prayer,after that I showered. I put on a nice short dress, applied little make up and lastly sprayed a perfume .

There was a knock at the door and I'm definitely sure it's Amir, I wondered  why he knocked, he also have a key. I shrugged it off

I went to open the door " love, wh---"

" oh wow. Did I come to the wrong apartment or is it just my eyes that is deceiving me? " said an agape sadiya.

" what do you want" I move from the door so she can come in

" well I came to give this back to you" she held a hardcover book. Oh it was the book I borrowed from Sarah, my bag was filled up so I had to put it in sadiya's bag.

I took it from her and kept it on the chair

" Now that your mission here is complete, you can leave" I wasn't angry at her, I was only annoyed. All my thoughts was that it was amir knocking not knowing that it's sadiya.

" are you driving me out? But b-ut, I also want to have a taste of that food on the table. No wonder my brother is in love with you each day, so this is your secret " she tease.

" hey, go away"

" but I want to have a taste of that food there. The aroma is killing "

I let out a frustrated sigh

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