3. why is he sitting beside me?

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Why so fast thought? Wasn't only this morning they decided to tell us?

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Why so fast thought? Wasn't only this morning they decided to tell us?

"The sooner it is the better." Amir's father spoke up. "And we can sign our papers faster that way." He continued.
My parents took a few glances at me, seeing sorry in their eyes.

It's not actually their fault. I chose to help them. I'll do whatever I can for my parents, even if that means not choosing a husband. I believe that true love begins after marriage.

"I have a request." I voiced out making all heads turn to me. "I don't want it to be public and I'm sure neither does Amir. And I don't want to have a weeding party, the nikah is enough."

Amirs eyes caught mine sending an unknown message. What is he trying to say?

Amir's father looked taken aback. Maybe he didn't expect that from a girl with dreams. I always wanted to have a blast on my weeding but I changed my mind the second I found out who my partner was.

Amir's father stared at me long enough to see throught me and I think he found his answer because he said. "Then it shall be like that."

Amir didn't even utter a word since I came here. Why is he so obedient all of sudden in front his father? There's something going on with him. Either he's afraid of him or respects him. There nothing in between that. Except if he did something he shouldn't have and he's receiving his punishment.


"Then we will do the nikah this Saturday."

In two days?! "Does it sound good?" My father asked. No one made a sound.

"We have a deal then." Amir's father nodded. "Oh and make sure to find a house. Amir, you and Layla can go and look around together tomorrow." He looked at his son and Amir obeyed.
"Are you really going to get married?" My little brother Ali hopped on my bed.

"Yes Ali now if you're not going to help, get out." I said picking my clothes and placed in the suitcase.

"Are you going to leave us?" He asked frowning.

"Nooo, I mean yeah. I may not be living with you guys but I'll visit as often as possible so that you won't even miss me." I explained as I crouched down in front of him.

"No it's okay I'm not going to miss you, I just want to take your room."
I gasped and slapped his leg playfully.

"How dare you? I'm going make sure you won't get my room." I huffed "I won't miss you either." I stuck out my tongue.

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