20. A date!?

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I heard a knock on my door and rolled to the side to continue my sleep

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I heard a knock on my door and rolled to the side to continue my sleep. But it did not stop. "Layla! Are you alive?" Amir said behind the door.

After a few other knock I heard the door open and immediately sat up.


I forgot to lock my door. After the fight last night, Amir drove me home and wanted treat my neck but I decline. Enough about that, what am I supposed to do about Amir?!

My room is forbidden to enter, especially Amir or was, now that he's in front of me frozen.

"A-Amir-" I started but he cut me off.

"You're L?"

"Well- no, I'm also a big fan of him so much so I bought a collection- yeah that's right." I awkwardly tried to smile.

"Stop lying Layla, there's brushes and painting and an unfinished piece in here."

He point at the left side of my room.
I sighed and dropped my head. "It's a secret."

"Why?" I felt his eyes on me.

Why? Why is it a secret again? Is it because I hate the attention? Well that's a part of it too. But in the past it was because I wanted no one to know my dark feelings. Why is it secret now? Am I ashamed? Embarrassed maybe. I don't want to anyone to know about my vulnerable side.

"Layla, don't tell me you're embarrassed? You have painted beautiful painting that you should be proud of. Where is the Layla that I adore?" I whipped my head up and met his eyes.

Adore?! What the-

"Man this sucks, the artist that I liked was under my nose all along." Amir facepalmed himself.

"Anyway I won't ask you the meanings behind these painting now which got my head hurt from thinking about it, I'll just wait until you're ready to tell me."

My breath hitched and my heart started to get wild. What is this?! Why is he being like this?! At this rate I'll-

"Now, you need to get dress, we're going out on a date."

"A date?! No way!" I shrieked.

"Oh huh how dare talk back, slave. Come down in 10min and wear something comfortable. " He said and closed the door behind him.

Like my pyjamas? Wait..

"How is a girl supposed to get dressed in 10min!" I shouted after him but no response.

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