12. Too much Blood

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"We're here

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"We're here." Latifa said as she pulled up at the side of the gym.

My heart rate picked up, being actually nervous of what I will see in there. What if it's my brother? But then again why would he do this to begin with? He does not have any reason to be an underground boxer and if it was about money, he knows that getting money like this is not permissible in our religion.

"Let's go and figure this out once and for all." Latifa squeezed my hand and pulled me towards the building. As we entered the building, the energy in there overwhelmed me.

All sorts of people cheered and stood around the ring mostly tattooed huge men. But there was also women there in their short tight dress that left nothing to imagination.

Anyone can see that I and Latifa do not belong here. Looking around the place I spotted a person making me doubt my eyes.

Amir was here!! What on the actually butterfly is he doing here??

I turned away quickly and guestured the other side of the gym to Latifa. We squeezed through our way further away from Amir.

"What on earth have we walked into?" Latifa gaped and her eyes widened.

"I swear I didn't know think it will be like this." my headache began again with all the shouting laughing and the music playing loud. Luckily no one noticed us and if they did, they didn't pay attention to us.

"WELCOME LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" a man climbed up the ring with a microphone in his hand. I guess he's the host. "I KNOW YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING A WHOLE WEEK FOR THIS MATCH BUT I ASSURE YOU. IT. WILL. BE. EPIC!!!" people cheered harder. "AND YOU GOTTA MAKE SURE WHO YOUR BET ON IS THE WINNER, RIGGGHHHT? SO NOW LET'S MEET THE CHAMPIONS.!" my heart pounded harshly in my chest.


A shirtless man that had tattoos from head to toes ran up to the ring. The muscles ticked and shifted with his every movement and he was shorter than Khaled but slightly bigger.

"AND HIS FIGHT IS WITH... OUR NEW CHAMPION LEEEEED!" my heart stopped. Khaled with all his glory strolled toward the ring. My mind went blank unable to think about anything as the fight began.

Latifa on the other hand didn't say anything probably was as shocked as me but she squeezed my arm keeping me from collapsing.

My headache did not help and my body became warm implicating that my fever is rising. But I watched. Not for a second did I turned my face away, facing my brother's true form as he beat the crap out of the poor guy now laying on the floor.

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