Mommy Down

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Soo had her face mask on as she was cooking the food for the boys. She absolutely hated getting sick cause she would feel horrible all the time. She turned her head as she sneezed, making sure her germs won't go on the food.

"Bless you, mommy," Joonie peered over the couch cushion.

"Thank you baby," she sniffles. Soo then feels a small tug at her pants leg, looking down to see Jungkook wearing his Kookie blanket over his head.

"Up...up," he murmured, raising his small chubby arms while doing little hops. Not wanting him to cry or anything, she picks him up as she stirs the pot. " cooking..." he looks into the pot, seeing some lotus roots, potatoes, noodles, taro being stirred around.

"Yes, baby. Mommy is cooking," she smiles behind the mask. Jungkook reaches and tugs at her mask, exposing her Rudolph nose and flushed cheeks. "No, no, Kookie, let go baby."

He lets go but the mask ends up coming back to her with a loud slap. Soo shuts her eyes as she feels the stinging pain go away. She opens an eye to see Jungkook smiling, clapping his hands together gleefully. She raises an eyebrow at him. "Okay no more ups ups." She puts him down as she lowers the temperature on the stove, leaving the soup to a broil.

"Mommy, you okay?" Seokjin walks over to her, holding his RJ plushie. "You don't look so good."

She nods in response replying with a "Mommy's okay. She's just feeling a little bit under the weather."

Jin hands RJ to her, saying "RJ will make you feel better. That's what he does for me." She takes the smiling bandana wearing alpaca. She ain't gonna lie: the alpaca is cute as fxck. As cute as Jin himself. She pets his head, seeing his white ears go up and down happily.

She felt another tug on her clothing to see Hoseok climb onto her lap and hug her. "Mommy is in need of some sunshine!" He grins at her. She smiles at him as she hugs him back.

"Dr. Hoseok has cured me with his sunshine," she plays with him. He transforms into his cat form, standing on his hind legs with his upper paws in the air as if giving a double high five. Soo takes his paws and squishes the pink part, Hoseok nibbling her hand as a defense.

"I refuse to be defeated by mommy! I shall nibble her till she lets my paws go!" He continues to nibble her, luckily his kitty teeth hasn't really formed. Soo picks the cute cat up and boops his pink nose with her covered nose, earning a soft meow from him.

"Mommy.." She looks down to see Taehyung holding down his tiger ears and having taped on cat ears, with small tears in his eyes. "I'm a cat too. I'm a kitty too."

"Does my little tiger cub need attention?" She asks him as he nods his head, his tears still in his eyes. "Oh come here sweetie." She sets Hoseok down before picking Tae up into her arms, walking to the pot and turning off the stove.

"The food's done if you boys are hungry," Soo calls them out. She notices that they were all eyeing Tae, their tails swaying side to side as if they were annoyed. "You boys hungry?"

"Yes mommy."


Soo lays down on the couch after hearing the boys slurping and eating the soup in the dining room. After taking the medicine, she felt a little drowsy so she decides to take a nap. Within a minute or two, she was knocked out. (And if you're like me, I have to pretend to be asleep to go to sleep.)

"Mommy, you-?" Jimin stops in his tracks, seeing her sleeping on the couch. "Jinnie, where's the blankets?" He asks his older brother.

"Hallway," he replies, finishing his bowl and was washing the dishes, using a foot stool. Jimin puts his bowl into the sink, earning a look from Jin. He runs off into the hallway and opens a cabinet, taking out a soft blanket and dragging it back to the living room. When he comes back in, he does his best to cover Soo to make sure she doesn't get more sick.

"Tea," Yoongi mumbles to Jin. "I wanna make tea for Mommy." He raises his arms to signal he wants to go on top of the counter since he can't reach it. Jin picks him up and onto the counter where Yoongi searches for the tea bags. "Joonie, get the mugs, please," He asks him. Namjoon looks through the bottom cabinet and finds a mug that reads Served with Love ❤️.

Using his tippy toes, he puts it on the counter and searches for more mugs for his brothers. Taehyung and Hoseok both find the tea pot, asking Jin to put water inside to boil it.

After a few minutes of managing to make tea without waking Soo up, the boys successfully place their small mugs onto the coffee table as quietly as possible. Jungkook was already snuggled up against her in his bunny form, one of his ears were bent so cutely. "I wanted to be next to her," Yoongi pouted.

They notice Jimin was coming towards them tugging another blanket. "Can we watch a movie? Until mommy wakes up," he asks. "I got the blanket. You got tea for us."

"No yelling though. Mommy's sick and tired. Nobody yell or scream okay?" Jin tells his youngers. "We're gonna watch The Grinch, Okay?" They smiled at one another. They all were bundled together, a blanket covering them and having some warm Thai tea in their hands.

[Author-nim: Well Hello there, how you doin? Hope you guys like this chapter. This was requested from @yourHOPE_yourANGEL_ Dont forget you can request for the next chapter. Also Thank you so much for 21k reads😭❤️ I love you guys so much and I'm really thankful that many of you love this book and found some of it relatable. I absolutely love it when you guys comment on this cause it just makes my day🥰. I purple you💜]

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