Queen Hera

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"Hey, Hey." Soo groans hearing Mi-nee's voice. What did she have to call me so early in the morning? she thought to herself annoyed. "Did I wake up my best friend?"

"Yes you did. Whatchu want girl?" Soo rolls her eyes.

"You forgot what today is, didn't you?" Mi-nee sighs in disappointment.

"What?" Soo sat up in bed confused. "Wha-What is it?"

"Of course you did. Remember that fashion show thing that's been on TV for what? Weeks? Remember that?"

"Yes. And?" Soo gets out of bed as she sets the phone on speaker, searching for some clothes. She was just wearing a tank top and some shorts; then came the doorbell.

"I got tickets for the show for you and me today. You're okay if Hera comes and play with your boys right?" Mi-nee asks, adjusting the flowers in front of her.

"No I don't mind. Are you here already?" Soo walks down the stairs, not bothering to cover up with a robe. "Is it that early?"

"No. It isn't till 3. Why?"

Soo opens the door, revealing it to be Junghyun who quickly looked up. "Guessing you just got up, huh?" He remarked her pajamas.

"Jungie!" Soo turns around to see Namjoon run down the stairs, his face showing excitement. "Hello!" He jumps up and tries to hug his way into his arms.

"Oh, hey there, Joonie!" Jungie picks the early koala up, smiling at him. "I think your mommy forgot I was gonna come today since she has somewhere to go."

"Ho-How..? You guys are..amazing planners," Soo chuckles into the phone, letting Jung in. "I'll just get my clothes ready. Jung, you wouldn't mind making the boys breakfast, right?" She asks him, looking at him. He tensed up when they made eye contact.

"S-Sure," he stuttered his words, Namjoon glancing at both of them. Soo gave him a smile before going up the stairs to take a quick shower.

"Jungie, do you like my mommy?" Namjoon asks, fully supporting their possible relationship.

"Err...no, kid."

"Lies," Namjoon says bluntly.


"Soo! How long does it take for you to put on some dang heels?" Mi says when she walks in their house, Hera following behind. Hera had long brown wavy hair, fair skin, and some freckles, wearing a long sleeved shirt that said 'I'm a Queen', jeans, and some white sneakers.

"How long are you and Auntie Soo going to be gone?" Hera asks before noticing Taehyung and Jin peering over the couch. She gasps before excitedly going towards them. "Hi, there! I'm Hera!"

"I'm Taehyung," the little tiger wondered what animal hybrid she was.

"I'm...Seokjin. Nice to meet you," Jin smiles nervously. She smiles back at him.

"Would you mind if I touch your ears? I promise I won't pull on them," Hera sees Jin's ears perk up. Jin nods as she feels the floof. "You're so fluffy."

"Thank you," Jin blushes embarrassed.

"Hello.." Hera sees Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin look over at her, confused on what hybrid she is or if she was one.

"Mommy you didn't tell me Auntie Soo had babies again! They're so cool looking!" Hera jumped for joy, finding hybrids entirely unique and fascinating.

"Well I forgot to," Mi smiles.

"So is Uncle Junghyun the daddy?" Jung, who was in the kitchen, feeding Jungkook, choked and looks away, flustered.

"What that girl say?" Soo asks as she starts coming down the stairs. "Hera, Jungie isn't the dad but he helps me with them. Jung, you're gonna be okay taking care of them?"

"Yeah, of course," he smiles at her, Jungkook waving his arms so he could be fed. "You look good though. You-You both look good."

Soo was wearing a yellow-white polka dotted flowy shirt, white jeans, and tan heels. Mi-nee was wearing a black dress with a sheer pink long sleeved shirt and brown heels.

"Mommy always look good!" Jimin and Hera say in unison. They glanced at each other and grin.

"Anyways, I'll see you later my loves," Soo bends down and hugs them, leaving them forehead kisses. Mi-nee hugs the little queen of hers. "Bye." They both leave the house and almost immediately Hera asks "Can I see the baby?"

She walks over to them and looks at Jungkook who was munching on blueberry mini cookies. "Pretty," he mumbles, curious.

"What's his name, Uncle Junghyun?"

"Jungkook!" Jungkook replied excitedly. "Jungkook! Jungkook!"

Hera smiles at his cuteness.


Hera was on the couch petting Jimin and Yoongi who were transformed into their animal form. Yoongi was purring and Jimin's tail was wagging. "You're so comfy," Yoongi remarked, happily.

"I wanna hang with you guys. You're so fun!" Hera replies. "What school do you guys go to?"

"School? Mommy doesn't let us go to school," Jimin replies, confused of what school is.

"She's scared that we might get bullied cause we're hybrids," Jin told her the reason. "I know people don't really like us cause we have aminal in us but it's how it is." He frowns knowing how people view him and his brothers as freaks of nature.

"Well then, I'll gladly stand up for you. I'd rather get yelled at than have you guys bullied," determination was heard in her voice, smiling.

Their eyes were widened, stunned at her determination. They remember when they were in the alley, people just passed them and either scoffed or insulted them as if they were nothing.

"You-You mean it?" Taehyung asked.

"Of course. Hybrids are humans too," she grinned. Then they tackled her and hugged her, happy that someone other than their mother care about them.

[Author-nim: hewo my beautiful humans. I hope you guys like this chapter and like little Hera. Don't forget you can request for the next chapters. Also to those who requested, don't worry, I didn't forget 💜]

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