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"Does Soohyun-"

"Who?" Jimin tilts his head in confusion.

"Your mother. Does she ever hurt you? Does she make you do things you don't wanna do?" The lady in the pantsuit attempts to say in a kind tone but was unsuccessful.

"She makes me eat vegetables, does that count? I don't like it but I don't wanna make mama upset. She-She works hard enough," Jimin twists his sleeve anxiously. "Where's my brothers and my sister?"

"They're fine but you have to answer one more question: Does she ever hit you?"

Jimin shakes his head, cowering away. "N-No. Kookie does though, he tugs at my tail sometimes."

With an exasperated sigh, she gets up and leaves the room. Jimin lets out a shaky breath, staring at the two-way window. "Mommy please come back," he tearfully prays.

The boys were in separate rooms from each other that were filled with toys none desired to play with. They only had a week left until school started again so they wanted to play with Soohyun and Junghyun in the meantime. But of course, due to the situation, they were in protective custody.

"None. They're all saying she was a good mom. Whoever gave you that call is a total nutjob to be thinking Ms. Ahn would harm them," the woman exclaims annoyed. "She has a clean record except for a few complaints of loud noises from neighbors back then. Who was it that called in anyways?"

"Choi Jinsoul," her male coworker informs nervously. Her expression changes from annoyed to shock.

"Jinsoul? The Choi Jinsoul? What connections does she have with Ahn and the kids?"

"Beats me. She was crying over the phone saying how miserable the kids were, that Soo was a regular drunk and smoker and burns them with cigarettes."

The woman had wide eyes. "What kind of claim is that? I've interviewed all of them and none have bruises whatsoever."

"Well we had to make sure."

"So instead of interviewing them at their home, you had the men just take them? Just like that?" The woman clearly was sympathetic towards their situation. She had a feeling that the kids might be traumatized from being taken away from Soo.

"My apologizes, I just-I just," he stammers nervously.

"You're dismissed. Make another mistake like this, you're fired," she walks away from him as she makes her way to the office. She was then greeted by a woman with auburn hair with gray streaks and clearly dressed in fancy clothes. "And you are?"

"Choi Jinsoul, pleasure to meet you. I just wanted to talk to you about some things about the Ahn case," she sweetly smiles, the cold stare she was earning didn't even faze her.

"You're the caller. Trust me I know. Unfortunately due to the information you gave us was completely false and the kids will be returned to their mother after we have a thorough check on their house," she sits in front of Jinsoul.

"Oh, I wish to make a deal."

"Excuse me?"

Jinsoul digs through her purse as she takes out a whopping 50k worth of cash, placing it on the woman's desk. With wide eyes she backs away from the money as if it were a bomb. "What is this?"

"Clearly money. Look I wanted to propose a deal. I was hoping you would keep the children in foster care as long as I want them to," she chuckles to herself. "Lets say if I want them to stay in foster care for a year, I want them in there for a year. You agree then you'll earn 50k every month for each month they stay away from Soohyun."

"Why..why on earth would you want to keep them away from their mother?" She managed to say, now worried. She had never seen so much money in front of her but the deal itself was devastating. A deal with the devil is what she began to think of it.

"To teach Ahn a lesson. Never get on the wrong side of me otherwise she'll have to deal with what's coming," she smiles darkly, leaning back into her chair. "You accept my deal?"

Both were then startled to see a petite woman with black curly hair, who still had the blonde highlights, walk in with an angry face. It honestly looked like a small angry dog when you first see her. "And you are?"

"Kim Yuna," she responds, brows furrowed. Her eyes clearly showed anger and hate towards Choi.

"And What business do you have here?"

"You took the Ahn kids away from their adopted mother, that's my business," she walks towards them. "And you're having a deal to keep them away from her? That's such bullshit!"

She slams her fists on the desk, startling them both though they chose not to show it. "Oh yes, I remember; you're their birth mother, the escort."

"My job has nothing to do with the situation. You think just because you have so much money, everything is going to go your way?!" She yells.

"Ma'am, dont y-"


"Does money not tempt you, Ms. Kim Yuna? You sell your body in exchange for money, right? You would've taken the money if you were in her position, yes?" Choi leans into her face smirking.

"No. Not at the cost of someone else. What you're doing is completely sick and demented. You're taking kids away from their mother just because she wouldn't leave your son, right? That's your impression of being their family?" She was unfazed at the close proximity Jinsoul was giving.

"She isn't good enough for him and will never be. I intend of helping him find a much more suitable girl than Ahn Soohyun."

Tension began to rise between them. It was an odd scene to be honest. The birth mother yelling for her children to be with their adopted mother. Usually she would want them back but this scene wasn't it.

"Oh please, she's not worthy of your son? Are you worthy of being in his life? Are you worthy of holding your future grandchild, his child? I know the entire story: You left him when he was young and yet you pop out of nowhere, trying to come back into his life.

"I'm standing up for Soohyun because she decided out of the bottom of her heart to adopt my children and give them everything I couldn't. I admit my mistakes but I'm grateful Soohyun adopted them cause now they're having a better life than they did before. And here you are, denying them that life! Just because of a petty reason!"

The lady in the pantsuit pushes the money towards the shocked Jinsoul. "I'm sorry but she does have a point. I don't accept your deal. Guards," she snaps her fingers. "Escort Miss Choi out of here please."

"It's Mrs!"

Two men escorted the frustrated and livid Jinsoul out of the building, not before seeing the boys in their rooms, alone. "I swear I'll make her life a living hell," she clutches her fist.

{Author-nim: Quick question: why did you some of you guys think it was the ending of the book? Trust me, I'm not ending it in a long shot. I mean, I have to do their teen years. And I gotta admit, it was weird not adding either Jung or Soo.😅 Anyways hope you guys like this chapter.}

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