~Chapter 1~

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~19 years ago ~

Jenna didn't know if she was happy or sad, maybe both.

Victoria spent two year in Istra, healing and learning and was now a lively two years old child. Of course Jenna was happy about that but the thought of Victoria going back to Liones saddened her a lot.

In two years she grew quite attached to the little ray of sunshine, she taught her how to walk and watched her say her firsts words, she spent hours healing her in hope to save the young child.

"Auwty Jenna!" The Druid snapped out of her thoughts as she smiled softly at the girl "Yes kiddo? You need something?"

The child looked down and frowned "I-it's just that I don't want to leave you auwty Jenna" Victoria looked up at the woman, expecting her to laugh but Jenna only bent down and hugged her.

"I know that it's difficult but you have to be strong, plus we will see each other a lot." Releasing the girl Jenna sighed and took Victoria's hand "Come on kiddo, your dad is waiting for you."

They made their way towards the group of knights at the gate of Istra, Victoria squeezed Jenna's hand before running in her father's arms "Daddy! I missed you!"

Bartra smiled at his daughter "It's time to go back home Victoria, your sister is waiting for you." His daughter cheered at the thought, she absolutely loved her big sister Margaret.

Looking back at Jenna she ran into her arms one last time "I'll miss you auwty." "I'll miss you too kiddo". Every knights climbed on their horses .

"Meliodas take care of Victoria. Be careful to not let her fall or play with the horse while we're travelling." The blond haired knight quickly replied "Yes sir" before picking up the child.

"Uncle Meli!" the young girl giggled "Hey lil Vic! It's nice to see you! ready for our trip?" Victoria yelled "YES!" and the sin laughed. That girl was a real ray of sunshine.

Meliodas and Victoria waved one last time at Jenna and the group left Istra. The young girl talked a lot with Meliodas, she asked him to tell her one of his adventures.

Meliodas talked for two hours before noticing that the child was asleep in his arms.

"Wake up little Vic, we're here." Meliodas said shaking Victoria. She grumbled and attempted to hit him but the skilled fighter carefully avoided the tiny fist of the princess.

Another indigo haired child made her way in the group, searching for her little sister, she tugged Meliodas sleeve "Where is Victoria? I wanna play with her."

The captain smiled at her and showed her the sleeping princess, Margaret sighed deeply and searched for a way to wake Victoria up.

Clearing her throat she breathed out a little "sorry" before yelling "VICTORIA WAKE UP!" everyone stopped for it was unusual to see the first princess yelling, however it did work because Victoria snapped her eyes open and jumped in Margaret's arms. "Big sis! I missed you so much! Let's play!"

Margaret took her sister's hand and began to drag her into the castle but they were stopped by their father and Zaratras. "Princesses, I want you to meet someone."

At the sound of a new comer Victoria hid behind her sister back, gripping Margaret's dress, "Let me introduce you to Gilthunder, he is my son and I hope that he will become your friend."

At the mention of his name the strawberry haired boy appeared from behind his father, a huge blush on his cheeks

"It's nice to meet you Gilthunder, I am Margaret Liones first princess of Liones." Margaret greeted politely. Everyone's attention was now on Victoria, the young girl only stared intently at the boy in front of her.

"hair" she muttered "What was that? I didn't hear you properly" her older sister asked. Her eyes widened and a blush made its way on her face "His hair is nice, I love the color" she mumbled quietly, Gilthunder's blush reddened and he hid back behind his father.

The king who was watching the scene with amusement, cleared his throat "I don't think that you presented yourself Victoria"

The little girl glared at her father, she was already embarrassed and she did not want to speak again. Margaret seeing her reluctance, pushed her little sister in front of her receiving a glare.

"H-hi I'm Victoria, second princess of Liones." With that she ran away in the castle, leaving a confused Gilthunder, a smirking Margaret and an amused Bartra.

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