~Chapter 2~

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~16 years ago~

Victoria was humming to herself while making a flower crown for Margaret when she noticed a pink haired boy crying.

Frowning she wondered why Gilthunder, her best friend was in tears. She ran at his side and grabbed his hands

"Gil! Are you okay? What happened?" The young boy looked at the princess in front of him, ashamed to be seen in such a state.

"It's nothing don't worry about me Vic." Even if the five years old girl loved her friend, the fact that he refused to tell her what was bothering him angered her a lot.

"You're not fine obviously, now tell me why you are crying or I'll beat up every person that I see until I find the reason behind your tears."

Gilthunder's eyes widened at the threat, he knew that the princess had a short temper and he didn't want her to be in danger so he decided to talk.

"It's because they made fun of me. They said that my hair was hideous and that I looked like a girl"

Victoria clenched her fist, she didn't liked the fact that someone was mean to Gil but she hated that they made her friend believe that being a girl was not something to be proud of.

"And then they said that I would never become a Holy Knight and that you were friend with me just because of my father."

The boy eyes were full of tears and he hid his face, ashamed of himself. The princess was pissed, first somebody made fun of her best friend and his hair -which she found beautiful- and second Gilthunder believed that being a girl and crying was something to be ashamed of.

"Don't listen to them, they're just idiots. You have beautiful hair and I love the color. Don't be ashamed of crying, it's okay to cry because you can't be strong all the time"

She made a pause thinking of the words Margaret used when she taught her that.

"And for your information, being a girl is quite good as well and I could kick your ass if you weren't my best friend." She added pouting.

Gilthunder smiled at the girl, no matter what she always found a way to make him smile.

Letting go of Gil hands she ran back to the flower field, quickly followed by her friend, she took the flower crown that she made and placed it on Gilthunder's head; a proud smile gracing her features when she saw her work.

"Here now you're even more beautiful." she said kissing his cheek. The young boy blushed and muttered a small "thank you" before being dragged by an energetic Victoria.

"Let's go in town! I wanna buy some chocolate."

~14 years ago~

Margaret was reading a book, carefully flipping the pages she closed it with a sigh.

Studying was definitely boring, however she did not expect her door to be slammed open by her seven years old little sister.

"Do you need anything Vic?" She asked hopefulness in her voice, if someone could take her away from her boring studies, Victoria was definitely that person.

Grinning the young girl sat on her sister lap "Want to come and play with me in the forest?" Margaret thought about it, sure playing in the forest was fun and Victoria loved it but it could become dangerous if they weren't back before night.

She looked at her younger sister and immediately cursed, Victoria was giving her the puppy dog eyes and nobody could resist them.

Sighing she got up, careful to not let the young girl fall "Fine, but we must get back before it get dark. Deal?"


The two princesses made their way in the forest, avoiding the adults in their path, finally arriving at their destination they decided to play hide and seek.

Victoria smirked, she knew the forest like no other because she loved to be close to nature. They played for hours and Margaret decided that it was time to head back to the castle

"Vic! Come on, we need to go back it's getting dark."

But victoria didn't want to go back, she was having too much fun outside

"Find me! if you can't then I'll stay here"

The young princess felt safe and protected in the forest, not caring about studies, her father or how she had to act. She was free.

Hearing no reply, Victoria grew worried and decided to go and see if everything was alright. She heard a sound in the bushes.

"Margaret? Are you here?" the sound got closer "Big sis? It's not funny" Victoria was scared now and the forest wasn't welcoming anymore. She heard a loud crack behind her and blacked out.


"Victoria. Victoria, wake up. Wake up!"

Victoria's eyes shot open, her sister was shaking her lightly.

"I thought that they hit you too hard, that you were hurt." Groaning the seven years old princess sat and looked around her.

They were in a big cave, it was humid and cold, there were weapons everywhere and bandits who walked while talking, eating or drinking. A giant fire lighted the whole hideout.

"What are we doing here?" Victoria asked.

"I don't know but I think that we were captured . I told you that we had to be back before night" Margaret explained, she didn't want to scold her little sister in this situation but she had to make Victoria understand that what she did was wrong.

A tall scary man made his way in front of the princesses "Seems like you woke up, now be a good princess a shut up. We're going to sell you at a good price."

Victoria glared at the bandit even if she was hidden behind her sister's back. The man chuckled darkly

"You should be scared, I was planning on kidnapping only one of you so the other one is just a bonus. Try to escape, disobey me and I'll kill you."

Margaret put a protective arm in front of her younger sister, the man chuckled one last time before joining his comrades by the fire.

Victoria looked down in shame, if she had listened to her sister nothing would've happened and she felt guilty about it

"I promise you Margaret, I will bring us back to the castle safe. We're not going to be sold and we're certainly not going to die. I swear that I'll protect you."

The look in Victoria's eyes wasn't guilty anymore, it was determined and fierce, she was going to protect her sister and make up for her mistakes.

Margaret smiled at the thought she knew that deep down the young girl just wanted to play freely and she was sure that Victoria would keep her promise.

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