~Chapter 4~

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~10 years ago~

Victoria was now eleven and training to be a sin. She had sword fighting lessons with Meliodas, hand in hand combat with Ban, she worked on her magic with King, Diane or Merlin and she learned from books with Gowther and Escanor.

For her tenth birthday she received a magic staff from the druids, her sacred weapon Xenris. Gilthunder became her personal guard and they often trained together.

Victoria was currently walking towards Zaratras office, her father asked her to deliver a message. She stopped when she heard a cry of pain, slowly opening the door she saw Zaratras body pierced by spears and swords.

I'm Clamping a hand against her mouth she ran in the garden, searching for Gilthunder.

"Gil! It's your father!" The pink haired boy turned toward her.

"What about him?"

"Hendrickson and Dreyfus! They killed him! I saw them!"

Gilthunder eyes widened "But why? How? It's impossible!"

The two children didn't notice the evil presence in the bushes, Vivian came out and casted a spell

"Now now. Make sure to don't repeat that information to anyone alright? If you do I'll hurt one of you." Victoria gasped, it was exactly like the threat of the bandit back in the cave.

She would not do the same mistake twice. She hugged Gilthunder and ran back in the castle, the sins were supposed to be back "Meli! Ban!"

Under their armors the powerful knights smiled, the young princess was a ray of sunshine. They opened Zaratras office door and gasped when they saw his body.

"I wanted to warn you." Victoria panted "what are we going to do?" But they were interrupted by screams at the bottom of the castle.

"It's probably the Holy knights" Meliodas began "We were betrayed." Victoria
couldn't believe it, not again. She couldn't stand betrayal and mistrust, she couldn't stand being judged. A halo of white magic surrounded her, she heard a faint "Merlin!" Before blacking out.


I was now 21 and working at the Boar Hat with Meliodas as a cook. He didn't allow me to be a waitress because "With all the men here, I don't want any misplaced gaze on you." I continued to cook, at first Meliodas was responsible of the meals but soon I took care of it -his cooking is infect-

"Little Vic! A meat pie here please!" I nodded and handed him the pie "I don't know why they prefer your cooking. Mine was perfect." I laughed and went back to work. Suddley a man barged in.

"I-I saw it!" Meliodas looked over me and I sighed. "Sir please sit and calm down." All the men were looking at me surprised.

"Since when is there a waitress here?"

"Man She is beautiful."

"Look at her legs."

"And her breas-" However he couldn't finish his sentence because Meliodas sent him flying. I shrugged and turned back, standing in front of the panicked man.

"So you saw it?"

"Honest! I saw it with my own two eyes! I'm positive that it was the Wandering Rust Knight!"

"Everybody's been talking about it lately."

"Come on, there's no such thing. It's just something to scare children into behaving. I heard that sentence before 'if you keep misbehaving one of the Eighth Deadly Sins will come for you in armor that's rusty from blood.'"

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