~Chapter 9~

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"Victoria wake up." A voice called me. "Oi, kiddo!"

I stretched and got up from bed at the delicious smell of food. Walking out of my room -my door led to the bar- I saw Captain, Eli, Ban and some other kids eating.

"You missed breakfast and King, kiddo." Ban said, serving me a plate of eggs and bacon. "You don't know how to hold your drink huh?"

"Shut up, old man." I groaned. "You're the one saying nonsense, King is dead."

"But Lil' Vic, you said that there was no way the Holy Knights killed him." Cap'n interjected.

"You saw him?" I asked. "For real?"

"Well..." Ban replied. "There's no way that was actually King but everyone seems to believe that fatty transformed into a kid so..."

"Whatever," I groaned again. "Who are those children?"

"Just villagers that we found on our way to Necropolis." Elisabeth replied

They explained everything to me about Necropolis and the way to find it. We then got out in town in order to find the entrance.

"Even if this Necropolis place exists," Hawks began. "There's no way to get there."

"If it's the afterlife you just have to die right?" I asked.

"Are you an idiot?!" Hawks yelled at me.

" 'Precious memories shared with the dead', huh?" Elizabeth recalled. "I'd love to see my mother! She died when I was too young to remember her!"

"Then that rules her out." Hawks deadpanned as I facepalmed. I am surrounded by idiots.

"I guess you're right." Elizabeth admitted. "I don't have any shared memories."

I walked ahead of them and flew next to Ban who was too lost in his thoughts to notice me. I understood what he was thinking about because I, too, had a loved one that I wanted to see.

My sister Margaret.

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine her in front of me, scolding me because I didn't study or because I ditched my duties to go train with Gilthunder.

I was interrupted by laughters behind us.

"Ban, Victoria," Diane called. "That's so not your style!"

I looked at my feet and saw that the ground was covered with beautiful pink flowers, just like Margaret's favourite one.

"What the hell?" Ban asked.

"It sort of appeared..." I tried to guess. "My eyes were closed so I didn't notice."

"Elisabeth!" Diane shouted. "Look at all these cute flowers!"

"Whoa!" My sister admired. "What kind of flowers are they?"

"Who cares about a bunch of flowers?" Hawks replied, sniffing some. "You can eat and eat these things, they never fill you up!"

Suddenly all the petals on the ground were lifted in the air and began to circle us in a tornado of pink and flowers.

"Everyone!" The little boy from earlier called. "Be careful!"

The tornado around us intensified and when it calmed down we were surrounded by green crystal spikes and the sky had turned yellow.

"Do you think it was my wish to see my mother?" Elisabeth asked hopefully.

"No, maybe it was my powerful longing for all the scraps that passed me by." Hawks added.

"My mind was a blank!" Meliodas deadpanned, scratching his ear with his pinky.

"Mine too!" Diane happily finished.

I didn't answer thought, I was too busy looking at a silhouette in the horizon. I squinted my eyes a little more and immediately recognized them.

I flew off towards their spot but the person ran away before I could reach them, behind me I could hear my comrades calling my name.

I stopped flying some minutes after, the stranger stopped running away too, their back facing me and their long hair glowing under the yellow sky. Slowly, they turned to look at me and I recognized the beautiful eyes of the person I missed the most.

Before my eyes was standing my sister, Margaret.

Hey, quick chapter because I love making you suffer :)

Prepare for slight angst and tears in the next one because Victoria and Margaret are going to have a talk!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter (sorry if it's too short) don't forget to vote! And comment if something is bothering you! All (nice) critics are welcomed.

See you soon.

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