~ Final Chapter ~

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The War had ended.

Meliodas launched his final blow a second ago, destroying the Demon. Hawks came back to life, well mini-Hawks came back to life. And yet, Gilthunder found no reason to smile.

In his arms was Victoria's body, his best friend's body, his lover's body. He didn't even have the time to tell Victoria that he loved her.

"She..." The faint voice of Elisabeth echoed behind him. "She isn't waking up?"

"No..." Gilthunder choked out between tears, clenching his hands around her.

"Ouch," A new voice whimpered. "You're hurting me, Gil."

Everyone's eyes widened, Victoria just talked. They all watched as her eyes fluttered open and she looked around her, grasping on Gilthunder like he was the anchor of her life.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" She asked, cocking her head. "Oh, right. I was dead. Well, now I'm-"

She was stopped by Gilthunder pressing a chaste kiss on her lips before pulling back and hugging her.

"I thought that you were dead..." He whispered in her hair. "Everyone was waking up but you. I thought that I had lost you forever."

"I'm here, now," Victoria reassured him, playing with his hair.

They pulled apart and Victoria got up on her feet before losing her balance and falling. However, she was caught by the strong arms of Ban who hugged her and cried in her shoulder.

"Never do that again, kiddo!" He whimpered. "You heard me? Never do it again!"

Victoria chuckled and patted his back, slowly letting go of him only to be crushed in a hug between King and Diane.

"You scared me so much!" Diane cried. "I don't want to lose you!"

King didn't say anything, he only whimpered and cried like a little child in Victoria's arms.

Lastly, the Sin was crushed by her Captain and her sister.

"Don't ever die again," Meliodas grinned. "Captain's order."

"Roger that," She smiled back at him.

"Big Sister Victoria!" Elisabeth whimpered. "I'm sorry I couldn't do anything for you."

"Couldn't do anything?" Victoria repeated. "Surely, the hole in my stomach didn't heal itself. You're a hero, Eli, and I'm proud of you."

Victoria returned to Gilthunder's side just as the King and Merlin made their entrance. All the Holy Knights were excused for their behaviour and Merlin explained how she healed the King. Everything was peaceful again.

"Meliodas, and the Eighth Deadly Sins," The King called. "You've done an incredible deed. You protected the kingdom even though you were branded as traitors. You protected my daughter as well. As a King, and as a father, I am grateful. Thank you."

"Let's drop the formal stuff, Baltra." Meliodas smiled.

"We just did what anyone would do for a friend," Diane added.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Victoria's P.O.V -

"Ban's food is delicious!" Hawks yelled, stuffing his mouth with his meal. "What is this?! I can't stop chewing! It's a miracle! It's a fantasy! If I were to describe the taste, it's the ultimate leftovers that have spilt out of God's mouth!"

"Aren't you exaggerating a little?" I sweatdropped, sipping on my beer.

"Hey, God," Meliodas told Ban. "You're making all this food economically, right?"

"Don't worry," Ban replied. "It's all expired ingredients."

"Gross," I commented, finishing my beer as the door's bell rang.

"You're really running a bar," Gil said, looking around in awe.

"Gil!" I greeted. "Welcome to the Boar's Hat!"

"Sit anywhere you'd like," Captain told him.

"Then," He sat next to me and laced his fingers with mine.

"Here," Captain placed three glasses of beer on the table. "Your Bernia Ale!"

We all cheered and drank small sips of it.

"Isn't it good?" Captain asked Gil.

"It's very delicious," The Knight confirmed.

"A drink after work is the best," I laughed, chugging my beer down.

"Meliodas, Victoria," Gilthunder called us, becoming serious. "I'm going to leave the capital."

"Why?" I asked, squeezing his hand.

"Even though it was to deceive Hendrickson and the others, I hurt a lot of people." He explained. "I can't forgive myself. I will leave the capital and wander around. I want to redeem myself to the people I hurt, no matter what I must do."

"I see," Captain replied. "Isn't that great?"

"If it's something you decided," I added. "We won't stop you."

"You're an adult already," Captain finished.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The ambition of the two Great Holy Knights, who were captured by darkness, had crumbled. The light of hope and the people's smiles had returned to the Kingdom.

Gilthunder invited me to the festival, he wanted to tell me more about his decision and see my reaction. What a sweet bean.

"I'm okay with it Gil," I told him, cupping his face in my hands. "The only thing that matters is your happiness."

"Victoria..." He whispered before lowering his head and kissing me fully.

"I love you," The knight breathed out as I hugged him.

"I love you too," I replied, leaning in for another kiss as the fireworks boomed behind us.

More adventures await me and the Sins, but that is another story, for another time.

This is finally over! I may do a sequel (I'll definitely do it) but not anytime soon (like in 1 or 2 months)

I hope you enjoyed the story!

Please don't forget to vote and comment!

See you soon!

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