Chapter 1

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When night fell the group of scouts that were on duty quickly rushed to one of the many traps that was set across the forest. These traps were installed to keep humans away from the entrance of the The Hidden Realm.

This was a usual procedure for the dragon scouts. They would wait for a human to fall into the trap and then shoot them with a tranquilizer. The tranquilizer will render them unconscious and would make them forget the hour prior to being tranquilized. After night fall they would rush to lower the human down and then they would find out where the person came from and leave them near an area where other humans will find them.

But this time it was different. Yes, they were used to hearing the screams of unsuspecting humans, but this time it was followed by a painful scream. They wanted to rush to the aid of the human immediately, but there was other people running around in the forest and they decided to wait till nightfall, they didn’t want to risk being exposed. When the other movements in the forest died down and the sun dipped behind the horizon, one scout was sent back to get the head knight Baelon, and the rest rushed to the trap.

They gently pulled the human down from between the trees, as she got closer they could see it was a young girl. As soon as she was laid down on the ground they could see she had a big blue bruise against her side where her T-Shirt had ridden up. The scouts knew by the shape and size of the bruise something wasn’t right.

“What happened?” Baelon, the head knight of the dragons’ voice billowed as he neared the scouts that surrounded the still body.

“We did what we usually do, but one of the ropes snapped and she was smashed into the thick branches of the tree, she is badly injured,” a scout quickly explained. Baelon stepped closer, his black hair shining under the big full moon, illuminating its thickness.

When his brown eyes landed on the girl’s bruise he immediately recognized the type of wound.

“We need to get her to the doctor now!” Baelon screamed to the scouts. He quickly ordered one ahead to inform the doctor about their arrival and the type of injury. He was extremely glad he brought his ebony stead along. He gently helped the girl onto the horse before he climbed up after.  He urged his horse on, not to fast because he didn’t want to jostle the girl too much and cause further injury.

The entrance to the Hidden Realm was invisible to the naked eye, and you would miss it if you didn’t know it was there. It was situated between two big oak trees that created an oval shape between them. Humans could easily enter through it, that was why the scouts were there, and the traps, to prohibit the humans from going through the barrier accidently.

Crossing through the barrier made him feel queasy and light-headed, no matter how many times he passed through it. It was a feeling you couldn’t get use to. At that moment he felt grateful that the girl was unconscious and she didn’t need to experience these feelings he experienced.

As he looked at the girl in his arms, he couldn’t believe how this could happen, weren’t the scouts supposed to check the traps?

This wasn’t good. He didn’t even want to think what the king’s reaction to this slight accident will be. Luckily the king was away from the castle and they could help this girl in some peace, without losing their heads. Dragons might not like humans, but they will not harm them either, they only installed the traps to protect their realm from outsiders.

He didn’t want humans entering this realm; humans had a way of ruining things that were precious. He also had half a mind of leaving the girl to be found, but he knew her injury needed to be seen to at once and there be no telling when another human will come across her. He sent a scout to find out who she was and why she was in the forest, hopefully the scout will get some answers and soon.

The trees thinned out as they approached mountain range that was known as the kingdom of Ashrock, in the middle of the mountains was a colossal volcano on which the castle was built. The ground turned darker and hotter as they neared the massive volcano. The castle had a scary glint to it under the moonlight. The ground might’ve been extremely hot, but it did not affect them, they were dragons and could not be burned.

He quickly took the horse to the wooden stable, that was the size of a barn, that lay at the foot of the volcano, there he left the horse and continued the rest of the way uphill on foot. The human girl was light in his arms as he carried her like a bride in his strong arms.

The scouts followed close behind. Luckily it was night time and there was no one outside, he didn’t want the town’s people to know there was a human girl in their realm. A realm they protected so long from the prying eyes of humans.

The huge iron gate of the castle was lifted as soon as the small party neared the castle. A group of knights came to greet them along with the scout that was sent to get the doctor. The doctor stood a few paces behind them. The doctor was a small, chubby man. He had balding hair and a pair of silver rimmed glasses rested on his nose.

Baelon saw the questioning glances the knights gave him, but there was no time to explain. This girl was his top priority.

“Doctor, she has a broken hip and she needs help urgently.” Baelon rushed out.

“Bring her quickly.” The doctor said as he led them through the group of knights. The castle was made of big stones and a huge chandelier lighted up the entrance. There were two arches on the left and right side of the entrance that led to the throne room and kitchens and dining area. Across from the huge door was a wide staircase that led to another arch and another, thinner staircase. The arch that was on the right led to the knights’ barracks and the staircase on the left led to the rest of the castle apartments; the king’s chambers and then there was a tower that sprouted from the king’s chambers. As soon as they started to climb the second pair of stairs, Baelon knew where the small doctor was taking them.

The doctor led them through a few more arches and halls and before he knew it, they stood in front of the king’s personal chambers. This confirmed his suspicion; the doctor was taking them to the tower.

The tower was only entered and used by the king. No one will accidently discover the human girl there and Baelon was extremely thankful for the doctor’s quick thinking.  

Baelon gently laid the girl on the plush bed of the tower; he was glad the king kept the tower clean and that it had a comfortable bed inside.

“What do we do now?” Baelon asked the doctor as they both stared at the unconscious girl.

“Now, my dear sir, we prepare for surgery.”

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