Chapter 13

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"Your timing is perfect," Jayk said irritably as he recalled how close he was to kissing his mate.

"Well there was an urgent matter that I needed to discuss with you. There was another murder, the dukes are an hour away from arriving. They sent a messenger ahead to inform us. I already instructed the servants to prepare for their arrival." Jayk sighed as his brother shared this new information with him. Just when he thought things couldn't get worse. There was another murder. He sat down on his bed and dragged his fingers through his head.

"I will be down shortly." Jayk said before Ryhan turned around and left his brother. He got dressed quickly in his royal clothes. Only realising now that he was only in a pair of trousers he quickly pulled on when he heard Haylee calling him. When he saw her near his dragon fire he almost screamed. Dragon fire was special and only dragons can touch it. If other creatures dared to touch it, they will be burnt to a crisp on the spot.

After he was dressed he placed his crown on his head and decided to see Haylee before he headed to the throne room where the dukes will arrive shortly.

Haylee was leaning against the balcony and watching the world around her when Jayk entered her room after a quick knock. Haylee quickly turned around and gave Jayk a shy smile when she saw it was him. A blush rose to her cheeks as she recalled their almost kiss.

"Haylee, I need you to listen to me, okay?" Jayk asked as he moved closer and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"What's wrong Jayk?" She asked, her voice full of concern.

"The dukes from all the other kingdoms are going to arrive within the hour. I need you to stay here and lock the door. There was another murder and I'm sure that they are all out for human blood. Please stay here and close the balcony doors. Please don't open the door for anyone except me and the knights. I'm going to send Cason to stay with you." Jayk explained as Haylee nodded along.

Jayk gently took her face into his hands and looked deep into her eyes, "please be safe Haylee." Jayk kissed her on the forehead before he sent her a last glance hoping she would remain safe.

As soon as Jayk left she closed the balcony doors and drew the curtains close. The look Jayk gave her worried her immensely. Barely fifteen minutes later Cason arrived. He locked the door behind him as per Jayk's instructions.

"Will they kill me?" Haylee asked softly as she sat crossed legs on the bed.

Cason heard the fear in her voice and he quickly took a seat next to her. His protective instincts kicked in as he placed an arm around her shoulder and drew her close.

"I will not allow that. None of us will," he reassured her, hoping the dukes didn't wish to harm her in anyway.

Jayk was pacing the throne room as he waited for the dukes to arrive. He knew that they were going to be very much upset about this murders, but his worst fear was them wanting to hurt his mate just because she is human.

Ryhan was seated in the seat next to his and the 7 knights were lined up against the wall.

Jayk knew the chances were great that the dukes will find out about the human has been harboring, but there was no way he was going to let anyone of them touch his mate.

The doors to the throne room was opened and the four dukes with their advisors stepped inside along with his advisor Magnar. There was also five knights behind each duke. He gave them a nod before they all sat down around the table. The advisors and knights stood behind each ruler.

They quickly started to discuss the second murder. This time it was a faery whose body was discovered in Valerania. The faery's name was Terrence and he was also a well known acquaintance of the faery king. He was also just following his usual routine when he was murdered. His throat was also slit.

"This was no coincidence. This murder was planned to the t. And it's also someone a duke is close with." Jayk said.

"Exactly sire! This is an act against us and we must strike back." Duke Dwarrel said.

"If you are suggesting a war against all human kind I will not allow it." Jayk said with finalty in his voice.

"Sire, we have the perfect opportunity, few humans know about our existence and we can easily win them in a fight. Esspecially with the element of surprise." Dwarrel tried to reason.

"I said no!" Jayk exclaimed, "humans are not our enemy. I will not allow us to wage war against them when there is only one or two who are guilty. I will not allow us to stoop to their level and kill innocent people."

"I agree, I know humans and us haven't been the best of neighbours, if I can say it like that, but two acts against us doesn't give us grounds to wage war against an entire race," duke Lyle said and Jayk nodded in thanks.

"What do you suggest we do then?" Duke Argon asked.

"We find the culprit or culprits and bring them to justice." Ryhan answered this time.

"What do we know about this murderer?" Duke Lyle asked.

"We believe that he is a hunter, four months ago Sir Jayel was found murdered in his home. Along with his mate." Jayk started to tell them everything they knew.

"Why would someone harm such a wonderful man? It doesn't make sense. And you think it is connected, how?" Lule asked.

"Sir Jayel's mate was the hunter's wife. Her husband abused her a lot and when she discovered that she was pregnant she ran away. Sir Jayel offered her refuge and soon discovered that he is her mate. He raised the girl as his own." Jayk explained further.

"Where is the girl now?" Dwarrel asked.

"Well, she escaped her parents' murderers that night and fell into one of our traps. She was badly slammed into the tree. Baelon recognised her injury as a broken hip and brought her back here where she has been staying for the last four months."

"We need to question her immediately. Find out what happened that night," Ashelle said.

"I will question her and only me," Jayk said.

"She could be in cahoots with the hunter, she is his daughter afterall." Dwarrel said. This caused all the knights to growl lowly. They wouldn't allow anyone to talk like that about their queen and friend.

"She's nothing like her father. She has lost just as much as we have, if not more. This hunter orphaned her and caused her to loose her home. She's not part of this murders. She is a victim just like us." Jayk gritted out. Annoyed that these men would even suggest that Haylee was involved with such a gruesome act.

"What is she to you? Why do you care so much about this human?" Duke Magnar asked. All the other dukes turned expectantly towards Jayk.

"Have you noticed my eyes? I have found my mate and she is my mate. She is your queen." A collective gasp could be heard through the room.

Dwarrel was the first to speak, "I'm so sorry your majesty, I did not mean any disrespect." Jayk nodded his head. The slip up long forgotten.

"Do you understand now why I don't want a war? Not all humans are part of this and some have lost more than us at the hands of their own kind." The dukes nodded along.

"May we meet our queen?" Duke Ashell asked eagerly. They all wanted to meet this human that changed their king so much.

Jayk thought this over in his head. The dukes would have to meet her sometime or another. Why not now?

"Yes, but she doesn't know about her parents or that she is my mate, so keep the questions to a minimum." All the dukes nodded in agreement.

"I will return shortly. Please get something to eat while you wait. Hagan and Evan you're with me," Jayk quickly called his two knight to come along. He nodded his head towards Baelon. Silently telling him to keep the guests entertained.

Jayk started to walk towards the tower with the two knights following him.

"You're not allowed to leave her side. I know that the dukes are reasonable men, but they might still wish to cause her harm. Her safety is our top priority." Jayk instructed his knights. The rest of the walk was silent until they arrived at the door of the tower where Jayk took out the only other key from his trouser pocket.

He only hoped that this won't do more harm than good.

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