Chapter 18

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Haylee stared at the man in shock. She couldn't believe that he was here in her room standing right in front of her. This was the last thing she expected to happen.

Jack looked at his daughter with pride, she looked so much like her mother. They shared the same hair and eye colour. Tears gathered in his eyes as he thought about how his life would've turned out if he hadn't driven Alice away. If he did what he promised to do; loved her. He wanted to grab his daughter in his arms but duke Magnar prohibited him from doing it.

"Haylee, or should I say your highness? I would like to introduce you to your long lost father, Jack. Jack here is your daughter. What a perfect family reunion."

"How could you kill them? How could you kill my parents?" Haylee asked as tears gathered in her eyes. She glared at her father.

"Oh you thought it was your father who killed your parents? How sorely mistaken you are. It wasn't your father dear, it was me," Magnar said as an evil grin spread over his face.

Haylee stared at him in confusion.

"Let me tell you a little story. I saw your realm quite a couple of times and I realised that our realm had the potential to grow. We are dragons, we can take anything we want. But our kind and benevolent king doesn't crave this kind of power. He wants peace and only peace. But then I visited old knight Jayel and what did I find? Your mother's diary. She was married to a hunter and Jayel's daughter was actually the hunter's. I needed his help, but why would he help me? Maybe to get his long lost daughter back.

So I wrote him a letter telling him about his daughter and how I kidnapped her and was going to kill her unless he did me a small favour. I went that afternoon to catch you with two of my most loyal knights, but you were late. Jayel realised something wasn't right and he reached for his sword and I slit his throat before I stabbed your mother. I left her to bleed out and my men and I searched for you in the house when we heard voices. We chased you to the forest, but we lost you. But when your father arrived an hour later with his finest hunters I quickly took control of their bodies with my power and they were mine to command.

I originally planned for them only to kill people close the dukes so that they would force Jayk to start a war against the humans. The only way to stop these humans from killing us, but he wouldn't be persuaded. But then you made my plan so much easier," Magnar said as he stroked Haylee's cheek. Jack fought against his own body to protect Haylee, but it was no use. He was still completely under Magnar's control.

"How so?" Haylee asked.

"Jayk realised you're his mate and let me tell you, a dragon's mate is his only weakness. Now you're a smart girl, what do you think will happen when Jayk found out you were murdered by a human? Will he rage war against the filthy creatures then. Or he might get dragon sickness along with your dear friends and I would be forced to make the decisions. Either way, a war against humans are coming. And there is nothing you could do to stop it."

"How are you going to kill me?" Haylee asked.

"I'm not going to kill you, your father is. He is going to push you over the balcony where you will fall to your death while I will try and save you. Jayk and all your friends will watch you fall to your death and there is nothing they can do about it." Magnar said.

"If this is my final moments, may I atleast get the chance to talk to my father?" Haylee asked.

"Why not? I feel lenient today, but don't try anything funny and stay where you are. I can't just command your father to do what I want, but I can order him to kill himself and his blood would be on your hands if you don't co-operate," Magnar said as he stepped away so that Haylee and her father could look at each other.

Jack looked his daughter over,"You look so much like your mother, you remind me of the day I first laid eyes on her. So young and vibrant. I'm truly sorry Haylee. Sorry that I hurt your mother so much. I keep thinking about what might've happened if I didn't let my anger and frustration get the better of me. If I didn't hurt her. We might've been a family and I wouldn't have missed anything of your life. When I got home that afternoon and I found your mother missing, it was like a wake-up call. I realised what I did was wrong. I wanted to apologise to her, but she was long gone. I searched and searched, but I couldn't find her. I hoped one day I would find her so that I can apologise for everything I've done. But never got the chance. I know you might have no reason to forgive what I've done, but I ask you to please forgive me."

"I don't know what to say, but I know I can forgive you and Mom would've forgiven you too. She was a very kind person." Jack and Haylee shared a look and gave each other a smile. Magnar got annoyed and quickly cut their heart to heart off.

"Okay that is enough. Let's get this show on the road. Jack won't you do the honours and push your daughter over the railing."

Jack tried to fight against Magnar's command but he couldn't his body didn't listen to him and he was forced to move forward. He took one step at a time. His steps were menacing, but his eyes were sad and anyone could see he was forced to do this.

For every step Jack gave forward Haylee stepped back. Haylee knew if she didn't do what Magnar wanted, he would kill her father and she didn't want that to happen. She wished now that she had told Jayk how she felt about him and how glad she was that he was her mate, but there was no time for that now. She had her chance and she couldn't turn back time. She only hoped he would know how much she loved him. How much she cared for him.

And Ryhan and the knights, she hoped they all knew how grateful she was for their friendship. If it wasn't for their kindness she might've never felt at home here.

She was againts the edge of her ledge now. The balcony railing pressed into her back and her father took a final menacing step towards her before placing his hands on her shoulders. He mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' and 'please forgive me' as tears ran over his cheeks. He didn't want to kill his only daughter, he didn't want to do this. But he had no choice...

As he pushed her shoulders hard causing her to flip over the railing Magnar was standing behind watching his plan in action. He gave a few seconds time before he made a great show of running towards the balcony and pushing Jack aside as he tried to reach for Haylee who was falling to her death, but of course he was to late. He planned to be. He watched her form become smaller and smaller and he tried his very best not to let a satisfactory smile spread over his face.

While Magnar was laughing inside, Jack was breaking inside. He knew that he would never be able to forgive himself for what his done. Killing his own daughter would stay with him forever and he couldn't help the tears that were rushing like a waterfall down his cheeks. He could never take back what he had done.

The air rushed past Haylee as she free fell down the side of the volcano and you know what they usually say about your life flashing before you eyes. Well incase your were wondering, it's true. Haylee saw flashes of her whole life flash before her very eyes. Every single memory she ever made in her life was on fast forward as it played through her head. She saw all the memories she shared with her parents, her friends, the knights, Ryhan and Jayk.  Her last memory was of Jayk's handsome face smiling down on her. I love you, she said before she closed her eyes and embraced her fate...

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