Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

“A body has been discovered,” Jayk told his knights once all of them were together in his study. The knights shared worried glances before focusing their attention back on the king.

“Where?” Baelon asked.

“In the Dwarvin kingdom, Dwarrel. It was an elf. There would’ve been a war on our hands if it weren’t for the fact that the body was covered in human scent.”

“Human scent?” Ryhan asked.

“Yes, and before you ask, I don’t know how they got in. My guess is they were led in.”

“But how? And why?” Evan asked.

“I don’t know. That is why I want all of you to go there and try to find answers.” Jayk said as he pulled his hand through his hair for the millionth time that day.

“What about Haylee? Do you think it is the same people who murdered her parents and chased her into the trap?” Ryhan asked.

“I have no idea, but please go and find out. Cason will stay behind and help guard Haylee. She’s been here a month and no-one knows about her existence so she would be fine,” Jayk said to his most trusted knights.

“We will leave immediately,” Baelon said.

“Please send me reports of your findings, and allow duke Dwarvin to help you and Duke Ashell.” The knights nodded in understanding.  Duke Dwarvin was the duke of the Dwarves and Duke Ashell was the duke of the Elven region.

Right at that moment Duke Magnar entered.

“I heard what happened, my king,” He said as he gave a small bow.

“Yes I told the scouts to inform you. How is Jayel’s case going?” Jayk asked.

“I am still unsure of the murderers, but I found a diary that belonged to Jayel’s mate. It seems that his daughter is not his daughter.” The duke said as he handed Jayk the black leather bound diary.

Jayk skimmed through the entries quickly before placing the diary in his drawer for safe keeping. He will return it to Haylee once she was better and he broke the news of her parents’ death to her.

“I believe that Haylee’s real father is the murderer. He would have the most motive. It said in her diary that she ran away from him when she found out she was pregnant with Haylee. Haylee’s real father was abusive; her mother took her away before he even knew that she was pregnant.” The duke told them.

“That is a good motive. The man finds out years later that his wife has been living with another man and that she hid his daughter from him. I would say that is enough motivation for someone to kill.” Ryhan said.

“Yes, but who is he? And where is he now?” Jayk asked.

“I don’t know where he is sire, but I do know his name is Jack Flannigan and he is a hunter,” said Magnar.

“A hunter here?!” Baelon said alarmed.

Hunters were humans that knew about the existence of the Hidden realm and all the magical creatures in it. They were bent on destroying all magical creatures.

“Could he be linked with the body we found?” Hagan asked.

“I don’t know. That is why you should go and investigate.” Jayk ordered.

“I will like to join the investigation sire,” Magnar said.

“Yes that would be wise. You already know a lot about this hunter,” Jayk said.

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