Chapter 15

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Haylee stomach ached by the time the dukes announced that they will be leaving. They weren't what she expected at all and they treated her a lot nicer than she thought they would.

They all greeted her along with their advisors one for one. The last to greet her was Dwarrel.

"Malady I must apologize." He said earnestly.

"For what?" She asked.

"For being so against your kind. I see know that I can't judge all the humans because one or two decided to harm someone in our realm. Your a good human and I'm grateful you landed in our realm." Dwarrel said before he bowed.

She nodded while giving him a smile.

"And malady?"


"Please take care of our king, he needs someone like you in his life." He gave her a final smile before he left the room leaving her alone with the knights. Jayk and Ryhan went to see the dukes off.

When Jayk and Ryhan returned the knights were busy bickering about who should escort Haylee back to her room and guard her tonight.

Haylee laughed at their antics.

"How old are you? I'm not a sandwich to be fought over at lunch." She said.

Jayk took in the scene in front of him.

"What's going on in here?" He asked as he folded his arms in front of his chest.

"Ooh Jayk finally! Because you guys can't play fair, Jayk will escort me to my room and he will decided who guards me tonight." The knights grumbled under their breaths before Haylee stuck out her tongue at them and grabbed Jayk's arm. Jayk could only chuckle.

"I will return later and Ryhan will guard Haylee tonight." This caused the knights to banter more and Haylee and Jayk slipped away quickly.

They laughed all the way back to her room. Once in her room she crashed onto her bed.

"Today was fun." She said before Jayk laid down next to her.

"It was. It went better then I thought it would." Jayk admitted.

"I don't think they hate humans so much anymore." Haylee said.

"Well who would be able to hate humans once they met someone like you?" Jayk asked softly.

Haylee turned her head to look at him. Their eyes met and their heads moved towards each other. Closer and closer.

Their lips were almost touching when Jayk remembered the knights were waiting for him. He pulled away begrudgingly.

"I have to go, the knights are waiting." He said. Haylee nodded before Jayk gave her a final smile before exiting her room.

Jayk scolded himself from stopping their kiss but as he looked into her eyes guilt has overtaken him. He could not kiss her before she knew the truth. The truth he has been hiding from her.

The knights and his brother was sitting around the table waiting for his return.

"That went rather well. All the dukes and their advisors seems to like the young girl." Baelon said as Jayk took a seat.

"They did. They all even warned me to keep a close eye on her and to protect her." Jayk said as he recalled what most of the dukes told him as they left the castle.

"What are we going to do about her father, the hunter? We can't keep her in that tower for the rest of her life." Evan said.

"I agree, that is why I want us to return to Jayel's house and look for any clues we might've missed. The sooner we can find this man, the sooner we can rest in peace." Jayk said. The knights agreed that they would return to the house the next day. Jayk was going to join them.

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