Chapter 19

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Jayk was still talking to the dukes when something in the corner of his eye grabbed his attention. When he turned to look he felt his heart skip a beat. He saw the man push Haylee over the railing and he knew that he had to do something fast.

An overwhelming feeling overcame his body and he felt his bones within him change. It only took him a moment to realise that he had transformed into a fire breathing dragon. It wasn't a second later when his enormous wings started to push him off the ground and he was flying straight towards Haylee's falling figure.

Seconds later he was above Haylee. He used his huge claws and gently grabbed her in his hold.

'I got you' Haylee heard Jayk's voice before she felt huge claws surrounding her body. Suddenly she stopped falling and when she looked up she saw a gigantic dragon the size of a truck covered in blue scales.

A smile spread over her face. She was awed by this huge beast.

"Jayk!! You're a dragon!!" She screamed.

'I know' he said with a chuckle in her head.

Haylee was so focused on the dragon who caught her that she didn't notice Ryhan and Baelon also transforming into dragons and flying to the two figures on the balcony. Ryhan grabbed Jack and Baelon grabbed Magnar before all three dragons went back to where they were talking with the dukes minutes prior.

Jayk gently lowered Haylee to the ground before landing next to her. Baelon and Ryhan was less gentle with there cargo. Ryhan and Baelon immediately transformed back into their human form after they landed, but Jayk didn't because he was to busy checking Haylee for injuries.

"Are you alright?" He asked with his husky dragon voice as he looked her over.

She walked closer to him before she gave him a grin.

"I'm now," she said as the adrenaline still raced through her body.

Jayk gave her a wide smile showcasing his razor sharp teeth before he turned towards the man who had thrown her over the railing.

"Seize that man!" Jayk growled. All the knight ran towards Jack, but Haylee quickly jumped in front of him.

"What are you doing?! This man almost killed you!" Jayk snarled.

"Jayk, my father isn't behind this. He was forced to push me because he is under Magnar's control." All eyes turned towards Magnar who was trying to get away. Baelon who was the closest  grabbed him in his hold and held him tight. He took off Magnar's ring which held his dragon fire and the hold on Jack was immediately released.

Jack sagged to the ground on his knees. And Haylee rushed to help her father. Jayk gave her a look and she quickly told everyone what happened in the tower. Jayk quickly transformed himself back into human before he listened to Haylee explaining what happened.

"So you see Magnar was behind all the murders." Haylee said as she finished her tale.

"How could you?!" Jayk said as an angry expression took over his face. He had to stop himself from attacking Magnar then and there.

"You're going to believe a lowly human brat over me?" Magnar said as a collective growl could be heard from all the dragons.

"I believe the truth!" Jayk exclaimed.

"We are suppose to rule the human! We can expand this realm!" Magnar screamed.

"No, your greed has overtaken you. I think the dukes will deal with you. The dukes will decide your punishment." The dukes' knights came forward and grabbed Magnar. They already had the perfect punishment in mind. Magnar was dragged away while begging and screaming for mercy but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

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