Chapter 5

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"You want us to babysit the human?" Ryhan asked Jayk that night. Jayk had called all his knights and his brother to meet in his private study. He wanted to protect Haylee, and what better way to ensure her safety by assigning guards to her room.

Yes, he might seem paranoid, but he wasn’t going to allow a human to be killed in his castle, not if he could prevent it. They could atleast watch over her until they knew more about her parents' deaths.

"Yes, you will also keep her company while I’m not there," Jayk replied.

"Why?" Baelon asked.

"Because she is an innocent girl with no idea where she is, and she is also alone. And the people who killed her parents are still out there, they may know where she is. And I will not allow an innocent girl, human or no human to be killed in my castle. Is that clear?" The knights nodded.

"Well then, I will introduce you all to her tomorrow morning. Be here at eight o’clock sharp," The knights agreed and bid Jayk goodnight before they all left, all except Baelon.

When the last knight left, Jayk turned towards Baelon, "With what can I assist you?"


"Baelon, I told you, you guys don’t need to call me ‘sire’ when we are not at court," Jayk corrected.

lJayk, I just wanted to say I’m sorry for this whole mess, if I had checked the traps then the girl wouldn’t be here and-"

"We all feel responsible somehow for what happened, but the problem isn’t going to be solved by pointing fingers. Now forget about it, we will help this girl recover, help her get back on her feet and then she can have a normal life, without any of these mythical creatures," Jayk said and Baelon nodded in understanding. They bided each other goodnight and Jayk was left to his thought.

A servant came by with food for the evening meal; Jayk took the food up to Haylee seeing as the doctor was called away on an urgent matter after he brought Haylee some lunch. When he arrived at the red door, he quickly knocked.

"Come in," He heard Haylee’s faint reply.

"I brought you some food," He said as he closed the door behind him.

"Thank you," Haylee said as she tried to sit upright, but gasped when she couldn’t and another sharp pain went through her side and leg.

"Let me help," Jayk said. Haylee pulled back at first, but because of her state she couldn’t pull back to far.

Jayk held up his hands in surrender to show her that he was only going to help her and that he meant no harm. Haylee relaxed a bit and allowed Jayk to help her. She gritted her teeth as he moved her and he knew by her expression that she was in a lot of pain. When she was propped upright, he placed pillows behind her back to help her stay in a comfortable position. Just like he used to do when his father broke his hip and he had to take care of him. She wasn't completely in a sitting positions, just propped a bit upright because that would be to strenuous on her hips and legs.

"Thank you," she said softly.

"You’re welcome," He said as he handed the tray with the food.

She looked at it skeptically.

"It isn’t poisoned you know," He said.

Haylee took her fork and took a small bite, once she tasted it she wolfed the rest down. Jayk chuckled inside. At least she liked her food. Jayk took a seat on the chair that was next to her bed and waited for her to finish her food. He let out a long relaxing sigh.

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