Wait for me

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"You will"

"I won't"

"You will"

"I won't"

Gongsun Li was trying to have a decent argument with her subconscious about living in the royal chamber, key word 'trying'...

But it seemed real impossible because her bitch of a subconscious was so stubborn...sm so bloody stubborn...

"You will" her subconscious chimed again...

See, that's what I was talking about... bloody stubborn bitch!

"I won't", she shouted out in frustration..


Shouting is a normal process to vent frustration but it is not really normal when you shout in the middle of a royal hall room where the emperor is in an important meeting with his ministers.

Gongsun Li peeked at the ministers from the corner of her eyes...

All of the ministers looked at her like they wanted to rip off her tongue....

Oh, my cute peony vocal chords!!! Mamma is gonna miss you!

The emperor stared at his little wife with a blank expression. That girl looked like she was struck with lightening....

Sighing, he stood up...

"That's all for today",his voice boomed in the hallroom ....

All the ministers looked at each other in confusion but didn't dare to voice there thoughts. Bowing, they all left the room not forgetting to glare at our poor Gongsun Li who was standing by the door....

After everyone left, Zhu Zhen started walking towards his little concubine...

G.Li couldn't fathom what to do.... Watching the king coming closer, her back filled with cold sweats....

Zhu Zhen stopped right before her. His soft gaze trailed all over her face as his lips tugged upwards.

How did she manage to maintain the same foolish expression all the time?

G.Li was trying to say something.. anything.. but her tongue was currently in a hibernation mode.

Not getting any words from her, Zhu Zhen raised his perfect eyebrows as if asking for explanation, but she stood there dumbfounded not knowing what to say....

Realizing her state, the emperor sighed helplessly. His gaze turned softer as he moved closer. Tugging a stray hair behind her ears he murmured,

"Silly, what should Zhen do with you?"

G.Li became speechless...

Shouldn't you be glaring at me or something!
Why does she feel like she is being rather pampered?

Since the king is in a good mood, she should voice her decision of not living in the royal chamber...

"Your majesty, nu wants to say something"

Please,don't be angry...

"Continue", the king said.

"Nu is really unworthy of living in the chamber. Nu would be grateful if you..

"No" the emperor's cut her off...his voice was so loud and sharp that G.Li almost flinched...

"But your high..


the emperor's expression turned ice cold, there was no hint of the softness that was in his eyes seconds ago.

"Did Zhen spoil you too much that you dared to oppose Zhen?" he asked with enraged voice making her whole body shiver.

"Nu doesn't dare! Xiaonu will live in the royal chamber if your highness order", she mumbled with trembling voice..

Gongsun Li was about to fall on her knees but was stopped by two mascular hands around her shoulders.

She was still shaking in fear when two arms pulled her closer planting her cheek on his chest.

His fingers started circling on her back as he cooed,

"Don't be afraid. Zhen would not treat you bad when we live together"

Eh? What a one eighty degree change of mood!!!

why does it feel like I was just tricked by the king?

Nu– To refer oneself as servant


Zhu Zhen was having lunch with Song Jian. There was a peaceful silence all around the dining hall, only the cling clangs of chopsticks could be heard

"Marquis Qu Ling is in bed. Doctor says he wouldn't last till morning" Song Jian broke the silence

"Hmm", Zhu Zhen hummed. Marquis Qu Ling was his biggest supporter when he was prince...

"Then let's visit him after lunch"

After lunch Zhu Zhen headed out with Song Jian and Xian Xu..

G.Li followed them to see them off to the palace gate..a carriage was waiting there for the emperor..

But Zhu Zhen stopped abruptly all on a sudden surprising the general and the guards..

Coughing hesitantly he mumbled,
"There would be cold wind blowing on the way.."

the guards, "........."

Song jian: Cold wind? The weather there would be warm as hot spring!

He was gonna protest but a fierce glare stopped him midway...

Zhu Zhen then glanced at G.Li over his shoulder and coughed again..

G.Li looked at him lost. Suddenly the memory of the day she draped a robe around the emperor flashed before her eyes..and the next she came back and started helping Z.Zhen wear the robe...

She was so carefully doing her job. The emperor's eyes that stared down at the indulgent little face before him was filled with such awe like he was watching some treasure..

Xian Xu: Your highness, nucai (this servant) helped you wear robe so many times.you never looked at me like this..so unfair!

After finishing her job, G.Li eyed her work with satisfaction. she was now a real pro at this job..

The emperor turned to the carriage..

Finally! He is leaving for the whole day!

G.Li felt like jumping out in joy.. She would have the whole chamber only for her the whole time and she was determined to have fun. Yiiyaa hu!

She was so engrossed in her own ecstasy that she was caught totally off guard when the king suddenly turned back, pulled her head closer and pressed his plump lips on her forehead...

His lips lingered there a few seconds. In those few seconds, the whole palace turned into a frozen castle. All living beings present there went frozen as though time had stopped right then, only the shuffling of the spring wind could be heard all around the area...

Zhu Zhen pulled his lips away gently and.... tick tick tick...... as though time started running again..l

His lips tugged upwards forming a smile filled with adoration as he bought them closer to the now frozen G.Li ears...

Tugging a stray hair behind her ears, he whispered,

"Zhen will return by night. Wait for me"

When G.Li felt like she should learn a mantra to faint whenever she wants,the smile on the emperor's lips never faded throughout his whole journey to Qu state...

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