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Gongsun Li never in her life thought she could get two things in her life time.

1.Getting married.


2.Getting kidnapped.

She could care less about the first option but yeah, now the second option was definitely happening with her.

A minute ago, she woke up with her head hammering like it had been hit with rod a hundred times only to find herself stuffed in a potato sack.

She wriggled in the sack around her to find a hole to get out but a male voice suddenly buzzed out stopping all her attempts.

"Don't try too hard, princess. It's not gonna take you anywhere"

"Who are you?!", Gonsun Li wanted to shout out to that bastard but because a filthy cloth was wrapped over her mouth it sounded more like,

" Sho arl pu?!"

A mocking laugh rang all around as G.Li uttered more weird noises out of her restricted mouth.

"Tsk.Tsk. princess, I told you not try too hard because you are only gonna make a fool of yourself.", the voice stated mockingly in between his laugh.

Gongsun Li's heart started pounding furiously as she felt her kidnapper coming step by step closer to her and it almost skipped a bit when the sack was suddenly removed from her body revealing a unknown face with a huge mischievous grin before her eyes.

But what made G.Li breath stuck on her throat was the next words coming out of her kidnapper's lips,

" Welcome to hell,princess Qiao Tan."

Back in the palace........

It was about to dawn but the darkness didn't seem to fade away from the palace as all the scared souls inside were anxiously waiting for the inevitable disaster. Nobody dared to lift their eyes from the ground kneeling before their king as they shivered furiously dreading about what was to come.

Before them, there sat the emperor on his rightful throne with an aura screaming power. His dark eyes that calmly gazed at them were like an undiscovered volcano that was ready to erupt soon.

His mascular hands that were spread elegantly on the arms of his throne fisted tightly as he asked for the last time,


His voice was freezing cold sending shivers down their spine but no one dared to respond for nobody wanted to fall into the deadly clasp of the monster before them.

The emperor swiped his calm gaze to every face in front of him.

So,nobody knew,huh?

Nobody bothered to protect her when he wasn't there.

A deadly urge to destroy, to kill overtook his sense as soon as the thought crossed his mind, and the little sad face of his wife before he left for the imperial palace flashing before his eyes only fueled his burning rage.

"Hang all of these lowly creatures to death right now!", He ordered making the hall fill with overwhelmed gasps.

" No!no!", some of them cried out hysterically kowtowing like crazy as they begged for mercy but their all calls went unheard to their emperor who was in a hurry to get out of the palace.

He didn't have time for those useless pathetic fools. For now, his little wife must be waiting for him.

All the ministers of the Han state was also observing the scene and could very well sense the danger reeking out of their king but executing about hundred guards only for a lowly concubine didn't sit well with them.

Minister Lu Shen could not take it anymore and his next words somehow made the emperor halt his steps at the door.

"Maybe, she ran away"

All the guards stopped their crying at once as the minister's statement rang all around the hall and a hope of survival lit in their heart.

Yes, that could be true. The fact that how all the concubines dreaded the emperor was not a secret anymore. It would not be unbelievable if any concubine tried to run away to escape from her scary husband.

But the happiness they felt thinking about the possibility was no where near the storm of darkness Zhu Zhen sensed brewing inside him as soon as the thought crossed his mind.

His calm eyes turned bloodshot red and his palm balled into a fist making his vein pop out of his skin. Also, the slight trembling of his body did the job good enough to radiate a danger alarm to all the human stood there.

But as soon as the emperor turned to face them, there was no sign of the rage on his face. Moreover, it was replaced with a menacing smile as he stared at front with a determined look.

"Run away from Zhen?",

He asked with his voice low as if he was considering the possibility to himself but his next words were enough to let everyone know it's obvious answer,

"Well, she can dream on."

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