Sweet Tortures

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Gongsun Li was overly stricken with grief!!!! Her heart was howling inside.

Why, God why???

After the emperor declared her as his wife in the hall, all the maids, eunuchs of the palace started kissing her ass like it was the most kissable thing in the world.

"Xiaojie (miss), you are the most talented lady this servant has ever witnessed", a maid had praised her when she was trying to draw something to pass her boring time...

Xiaojie!!!! Not maid???? That's a new information ah...

" Nobody could ever draw a donkey as beautifully as you did", the maid added making her expression like she was giving her opinion with uttermost sincerity.

Donkey??? This is my portrait, you dumbass!!!

"Xiaojie has the most attractive features in her body", another maid chimed.

Gongsun Li felt her chest puffing with pride hearing that praise... Fluttering her eyelashes, she asked gracefully,

"Really? What features are you talking about?"

The maid's gaze trailed all over G.Li's body as if she was figuring something out and stopped on her chest...

With eyes dripping with fake admiration  she said,

"You have the most attractive flattest chest one could ever have"

Gongsun Li's hands went to her chest instinctively...

Really, her chest was one of the best examples of flat surfaces... tears'



G.Li burst into tears when she came back into the chamber at night. The never ending praises and bootlicking of all the maids and eunuchs seemed like a deadly torture to her and the real culprit behind her miserable state was nowhere to be seen.

Yes, she didn't come across the glorious face of the emperor these few days.

But now G.Li was greatly thankful for that because she could now use the emperor's super comfy bed to sleep without any worries.

Otherwise, she had to sleep on the uncomfortable couch causing her to have a deadly back ache in the next morning.

Plopping down on the bed, she laid down there as she found out a comfortable area. Her eyes closed in pleasure as the soft mattress came in touch with her back. It didn't take her long to fall in deep sleep followed by her soft snores.

She was so lost in her dreams when two arms suddenly sneaked around her little figure pulling her back to a hard chest.

Careful not to disturb her sleep, Zhu Zhen pulled her closer slowly before planting his jaw over her head.. His arms tightened around her as he closed his eyes breathing a sigh of content.

G.Li would surely have a heart attack if she ever discovered herself sleeping with the emperor, that too in this intimate position.

But it was nearly impossible, all thanks to her deep sleeping habit.

However, G.Li really liked the sudden warmth that Zhu Zhen's body provided her, and in daze of sleep, she turned around to snuggle closer to the warmth.

Fumbling around in sleep, she found out an unfamiliar existence by her, but she was too deep in sleep to worry over it.

That must be a side pillow.

She thought as she wrapped her arms around her supposedly pillow and plant her lips on his neck.

So comfy!!!!

Zhu Zhen's body turned still due to his little wife's abrupt shameless actions.

Gongsun Li was hell bent on taking full advantage of her pillow... She moved her body more closer wrapping him in a tight hug till every curves of her body was touching every crevice of his... Deciding to add more to her sweet tortures, she buried her nose in his neck before rubbing her nose there sensually.

Mr. Pillow, you are so soft.

The now turned statue Zhu Zhen could  feel his body heat up like it was lit with fire. He was really trying his best to encage the rising beast within him.

But his every control came tumbling down when his innocently sleeping wife decided to raise her one bare leg(due to her robe being lifted over her knee in her sleep) and wrap it around the emperor's waist..

G.Li,now only God can save you.

Oh,wait!!!I don't think he can anymore.

Zhu Zhen's expression turned pained as streams of curses left his mouth. It took him everything not to roll her on her back and ravish her till dawn.

He stealthily moved away taking her arms slowly off him to get up but his wife suddenly decided to grab onto him tight by throwing her arms around him again.

A helpless sigh left his lips as he laid motionless letting her do whatever she wants. He didn't want to resist anymore and engulfed her in his arms.

She was sleeping so peacefully. An affectionate smile adorned the emperor's lips as he leaned down to rub his nose with hers. Her everything was so small. Small eyebrows, small nose, small ears... He couldn't help kissing the tip of her small nose again and again.

Looking down at her sleeping face he murmured rubbing her nose with his again,

"This is a torture, you know"

To have you so close, yet so far......

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