Part 1

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This is just a short intro....

"Someone's here." Amren stated as we entered the House of Wind. We all paused, standing still. Focusing. Smelling. Listening.

"That's impossible, isn't it? The house is warded against anyone but else right?" Feyre asked, looking at Rhys. He didn't answer his mate and instead started walking toward the back of the house, to the balcony that overlooks Velaris. We all fell in step behind our High Lord. The door was open and a breeze blew through. It brought with it a scent of vanilla, almonds and pure warmth. I could hear a heartbeat and based on the way Cassian reached for his sword, so could the others. As we approached the balcony, that sword was ripped from Cassian's hand, thrown to the ground. Az's was too.

"You won't be needing those" a velvet smooth female voice purred. She was leaning over the edge of the railing, looking down upon the city. Brown sun-highlighted hair cascaded down her back, tied back by intricate braids. A loose black shirt, black leggings and tall black leather boots adorned her tall, slim frame. Her scent was familiar but I couldn't place it. Rhys froze next to me.

"No, it can't..." he said at a whisper. I didn't understand until she turned around. Facing us. Those eyes. They were silver, so bright, flecked with violet. She was the most beautiful fae(male or female) I had ever seen. Which is what everyone had always said about her when she was growing up.

"Hi brother" she said with a sly smile and casually leaned against the railing behind her. I sensed the whole group tense. Feyre stopped breathing.

"Kiara. I don't. I don't understand." Rhys stumbled though the words. She smiled again and looked at us, piercing those eyes into Rhys, Cassian, Az and I.

"Yes, I know, I'm supposed to be dead." She pushed herself off the railing, boots clicking on the ground as she approached Rhys. "But I'm not here for a reunion. I'm here to warn of you."

I stepped forward, "warn of us of what?" Her eyes shifted to me and I saw a flash of sadness before they brightened again.

"Of what's coming, Morrigan, what's coming to destroy your world like it's trying to destroy mine."

It was taking every ounce of effort to keep my breathing steady, my heartbeat normal. I was looking at my brother. My cousin. My friends. For the first time in three hundred years. I was a child the last time they saw me. An annoying little girl who followed them everywhere. Trying to keep up with their antics. Cassian used to carry me on his shoulders when I visited the Illyrian war camps. Azriel used to let his shadows tickle my face. Mor and Rhys would sneak me out of the house and let me watch Star Fall with them down by the river. And now our reunion had to be caused by such destruction, such terror, such horrific events. I wasn't that little girl anymore. I'd been to war. I'd been to hell and back. I took a breath and walked back to the railing. Looking down at Velaris. This isn't my home. This isn't my family I told myself. My home was elsewhere, my family, they're fighting battles, waiting for me to return.

"What do you mean? What is going to destroy our world?" Rhys asked. I stayed out of his mind, out of all of their minds. I didn't want to know what they were thinking. It would only hurt. To learn how much they missed me. Or didn't miss me if that was the case.

"The valg. Evil creatures." I said, meeting my brother's gaze. His violet eyes matching the flecks in my own silver ones. "The world I live in, it's not this one, it's a different realm. It was invaded. By these creatures, by their king. An evil queen. Every nightmare wrapped into one." I closed my eyes, letting the warm sun bask on my face. "We've been fighting them, for years. Trying to defeat them. And we're holding our own if I do say so myself. But we recently learned that the King, Erawen, plans on expanding his invasion. He likes to collect realms, turning their occupants into his soldiers. And when I heard this realm was on his mind, I had to...." I paused, swallowing hard, "I had to warn you." My eyes flashed open, six faces stared at me, clearly unsure of what to say.

The woman next to Rhys, his mate I had realized when I first saw her, opened her mouth "We just had a war, we can't have another one" she said to my brother. Curiosity got the best of me and I entered her mind, I watched the war they fought. I learned of Hybern, of the evil they faced. And won. I caught a brief glimpse of Tamlin and immediately retreated. I didn't want to know anything about him. Feyre, as I learned was her name, was still looking up at her husband. My trip in her mind had only taken about ten seconds. I was fast, faster than any other demanti. Faster than Rhys. Stronger than Rhys. More powerful than Rhys. But he didn't know that. I could slip by anyone's mental walls. I could be stopped by nothing, by no one. That's the reason I no longer lived in this world.

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