Part 6

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As soon as my feet touch the ground, my whole body relaxes. Home. I inhale deeply and can't help but smiling. I'm home. I'm reminded that I'm not alone and I meet Rhy's stare. His eyes flash pain and hurt quickly before he hides it. I don't need to go into his mind to know what he's thinking. He's seeing the change in me being here. He's realizing that I have a life here, I'm happy here. And that hurts him. Good, I think. That's what he deserves. "Welcome to Terrasen. Welcome to my home." I emphasize the last word with warmth, really trying rubbing it in. A little petty I know but being here makes me feel too good to feel bad. Took you long enough. A crystal-clear voice says in my mind. I smile and rub my glamoured ring on my finger. No I missed you? Where's my welcome home party? A raspy deep laugh and then Sorry my love, we've been busy. I'll see you soon. And he's gone. Soon. Reunited soon. I turn my attention to the guests I've brought here. "Okay, follow me, Aelin should be expecting us."

"Aelin's the Queen, right?" Feyre asks cautiously.


"What is this Queen of yours like?" my brother has slight growl in his voice when he speaks.

"She's well, she's someone you need to meet." Describing Aelin to strangers is not an easy task. Plus, I just love seeing the natural reactions of those who meet her. "She's my best friend so I'm biased." I explain when they don't seem satisfied with the little information I'm giving. We move our way through the city towards where Aelin has reclaimed her throne. As we walk, I get stares, I always do. I'm used to it. One female grabs my arm as we move past.

"Lady Kiara, I'm sorry to bother you but I just have to thank you. You are the sole reason I am alive today." I meet her grey eyes and I remember her. I remember my sword slicing through the neck of the male that was about to plunge his own weapon into her chest.

"Just doing my job." I respond awkwardly, removing my arm from her grasp. I'm not good with recognition. I'm not into praise. And I can feel the eyes of Rhys, Feyre, Cassian and Azriel boring into me as they watch this interaction. I don't look at them and continue down the road.

"Lady?" Cassian muses, "wow, you really made a life here didn't you Kia?"

"Don't call me that." My voice cuts through the air like ice and I hear them pause, no doubt exchanging looks between each other. We start ascending the stairs and I'm suddenly hit with an unexpected cold gust of wind, knocking me off balance. I falter but quickly regain my footing and scan my surroundings before I see my attacker. "What a nice welcome home greeting."

He emerges from the shadows; his silver hair is a little longer than when I left but still looks intentionally messy. His green eyes are smiling but his mouth is smirking "just wanted to make sure your little adventure didn't dull your reflexes." I roll my eyes but quickly wrap my arms around him in a tight hug. "We missed you around here" he mumbles into my shoulder. I pull back and wink

"of course, you did." I remember we have an audience and turn back to the Night Court members, "Rowan, this is Rhysand, Feyre, Cassian and Azriel. Everyone, this is Rowan." He puts on his warrior face and scans my guests intensely.

"Yes, welcome." His voice is deep and intimidating. I roll my eyes and shove his shoulder.

"C'mon, bring me to that wife of yours."

"She's been insufferable without you. Are you sure you aren't her mate?"
I laugh "nope, that's all you. Forever and ever." He sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"Don't remind me."

A quick trip through my guests' minds confirms what I had assumed, Rowan intimidates them (something they would never say aloud), Rhys is shocked at how happy I am and how friendly and nice I am to this male, Cassian is sizing him up to find his weaknesses. Rowan meets my eyes briefly, so I enter his mind too. Rhysand is the brother, correct? I nod. He doesn't seem so bad. Not exactly what you described. I leave his thoughts and ignore him, looking ahead instead. He doesn't push me further. I knew he wouldn't Rowan is good like that. I realize where he's leading us, and I groan.

"She's really making me greet her in the throne room?" He laughs

"Dramatic, I know. But you know Aelin."

"Dramatic is good trait for a leader." Rhysand says as he approaches right behind my shoulder.

"Yes, Rhys is quite the fan of dramatics" Feyre muses with a smile in her voice. Cassian laughs in agreement. I look to my brother who is scanning the walls and taking in his surroundings. It's true, Rhys was always dramatic. He loved making scenes when we were growing up. Always showing off his powers and making me jealous of how good he was at controlling them. I was always so frustrated that my powers weren't as strong as Rhys'. My mother always assured me that one day I'd be able to keep up with my brother. Who knew she'd be so right?


Seeing Kiara in this land, seeing the smile on her face and the feeling the happiness she emitted, it was like seeing the Kiara I used to know. This was my sister. Her joking around with the Fae male, Rowan reminded me of our childhood. I couldn't help the jealousy that I felt watching the two of them interact. Rowan clearly knew my sister well. This male is the queen's mate. I looked to Feyre and nodded apparently. I watched Feyre scan Rowan slowly. Jealous of this Queen, darling? She snapped her eyes to me and smirked, I'm not seeing any wings, so no, no jealousy here. I couldn't help but chuckle softly as we approached a tall, white door. Rowan opened it and I saw the room was bare but very bright. Sun shone in from above and along the sides. Sitting, or rather lounging on the throne was young blonde woman. She was sharpening a blade while idly humming to herself. Her legs were draped over the side of the throne. Her eyes drifted towards us, turquoise rimmed with gold. They quickly scanned our group before pausing on my sister.

"Well look who decided to return. Took you long enough."

Kiara rolled her eyes and smiled, "you're welcome."

"I didn't say thank you."

"But you will."

A wide smile appeared on the Queen's face as she stood from her throne, descended the stairs and pulled my sister into a warm hug. As she pulled back she paused, staring into Kiara's eyes for a few moments. As if they were having a silent conversation. That's exactly what they were doing, Kiara wasn't a child anymore, she was talented. She had my powers. The Queen then turned to me and outstretched her hand, "Pleasure to meet you, Lord Rhysand. Did I say that right? Lord?"

I nodded, "yes, that's correct, your majesty." She waved her hand and laughed.

"It's Aelin, no formalities here." She stepped closer to Rowan, "you've met my husband Rowan I see. That's what he goes by. Just Rowan. Don't worry about offending any of us. We're simple around here."

"Got it, Aelin. Well this is my mate Feyre, High Lady of the Night Court, my Commander of my armies, Cassian and my Spy Master, Azriel." I pointed to each member of my court as I introduced them. She took them all in with those unique eyes. She finally met my gaze and I stared straight back at her, making sure she knew who she was in the company of. I even allowed some of my power to escape, sending some darkness among the group. Her eyebrow arched at that but she said nothing, only turning to my sister.

"I'm sure Kiara has explained to you about our situation. We are asking for your assistance in defeating the evil that we have been battling. We've done a good job on our own, managed to reclaim this city and most of these lands. But there's still more to do. And your world is in danger so Kiara suggested offering you assistance, if you also assist us."

"We are willing to help in whatever way we can, as can the other Courts in our world." She nodded and started walking back to her throne.

"Good. I'll have you shown to where you all can stay while you're here. Go, relax, sleep. Tomorrow morning, we will meet again. "She turned around and winked, "That's when the real fun will begin."

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