Part 13

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So sorry for no updates for almost 2 months. Finals happened. Then vacation happened. Then life happened. I'm committed to writing more so here's just a short part as I get back into my routine.


Seeing Kiara standing in front of hundreds of soldiers is not something I had ever imagined. Growing up, I only imagined her being my side as I led the Night Court. I knew she would be powerful but not as powerful as she turned out being, I knew she would be beautiful, and I knew she would be strong. My mother would've raised her to be like herself. I had imagined our lives so many times. Me, ruling the court. Her, becoming quite the free spirit, always having a good time but always helping me make the tough decisions. I never thought she would have darkened eyes. I never thought she would have scars, or tattoos. I never thought she'd stop being my little sister. But here she is, dressed like a warrior, adorned with many different knives, swords and other weapons I cannot see. A leader. A respected and feared leader if the looks on the soldiers' faces are any indication.

"I heard some of you are questioning being here." Her voice is strong. Tough. But not angry. No one moves an inch. "If there's anyone in this crowd who is doubting our leadership, please, come forward, tell me what you would do better." Her smile is cunning, fierce. Daring someone to speak up. She fakes shock and looks to Aedion, "wow, no one wants to challenge us? What a shame." And then there's movement, a soldier pushes his way through the others towards Kiara, anger in his eyes. I instinctively go for my weapon and my power until I feel paralyzed and hear a voice in my head. Stand down Rhys, I have this. She's smiling, welcoming the approaching soldier with what almost looks like joy.

"I have a problem with your leadership. We're the ones dying. While you two stand back and watch." He sneers, scars cover his hands and a slash down his face indicates he's faced many battles. "And you," he points a finger at my sister, "you come and go whenever you please, going off to enjoy the luxuries of a palace. Drinking with the queen, parading around like you're a war hero when in reality all you do is order us around and then crawl into a bed warmed by one of Maeve's whores-" his body suddenly collapses on the ground, his hands clutch his stomach in pain. Kiara didn't even move an inch, her eyes look bored as she bends down, staring at the soldier. Her whisper as sharp as a knife when she speaks.

"You shouldn't go around talking about things you know nothing about." The soldier gasps and tries to stand up but she doesn't let him, magically forcing his face into the mud. "And you really shouldn't have called my husband a whore." She practically purrs the words before finally releasing her invisible grip on the him. It takes a very long minute before he stands, covered in mud, breathing heavily. He doesn't say anything but his eyes are angry. Kiara just laughs, "go ahead, hate me, plot my death in your head, picture yourself stabbing me, decapitating me, whichever way you prefer." He snarls and she clicks her tongue, "but don't question my leadership. Don't question my actions. Don't accuse of me of abandoning my soldiers. Because if you do that again, you won't be able to drag your sorry ass out of the mud if that happens." She turns her head away from him, dismissing him as if he was an annoying child. Her attention returns to the group, "anyone else? Any other challengers?" No one moves, no one says anything. I scan the crowd, reaching into their minds and I find mostly respect for Kiara. Fear too. But mostly respect. The majority of the soldiers in this crowd have memories of her fighting along side of them, of her being one of them. "Good. Then we shouldn't have any more issues. And if we do, I think we all know what'll happen." She gestures towards the muddied soldier and winks at him, just agitating him more. I can't help but smirk, knowing I would've handled the situation in a similar fashion. Kiara dismisses the troops and turns to Aedion who is standing back next to me.

"You got me all excited to mist some minds and all I got to do is paralyze some guy for a minute. Way to get my hopes up." Aedion sighs and rolls his eyes.

"It has been bad, princess. They just are always on their best behavior around you. But they're frustrated."

"As they should be." She says as they fall into step next to each other, walking back towards the outskirts of camp. I follow but stay behind, allowing them to discuss.

"They're soldiers, they shouldn't be starting uprising among the army."

"C'mon, Aedion. They've been fighting and dying for so long. They want to go home. They want to see their families. And we got so close. We freed the city. We've freed so many. It can't be easy to know that Aelin is sitting in comfort while they live here." She gestures to the mud and grey sky. "I get it, I'd be angry too if I were them."

Aedion shakes his head and rubs his cheek, "I know, it's just hard when they have no morale."

"Well, hopefully me scaring them will help a little." Her eyes flash towards me quickly and she seems to be considering something. "We can stick around for a little while longer. Maybe a few days. See if that helps the morale a little. Having both their leaders here."

Aedion smirks, "I think Aelin and Fenrys will both come for my head if I keep you away from them any longer."

She laughs and her eyes shine with a sparkle I haven't seen before, "they are needy but I think they'll manage without me for a while longer." Her attention turns towards me, "as long as you're okay with staying, Rhys."

I don't hesitate before nodding. I just got my sister back and I don't want to risk losing her again. Staying here where I know she'll keep me by her side for a few more days doesn't sound so bad. I remind myself that Feyre has Azriel and Cassian and a whole city to protect her. Not that she needs it.

Kiara's eyes are still sparkling as a mischievous smile spreads on her face, "Perfect. I can show you what I've learned since I've been gone."

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