New Neighbor

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"Hey! Did you hear that the house next door to you finally got sold?" Emma asked me that morning at my locker. My eyes practically fell out their sockets. "Are you serious?!" I asked. That house was older than my grandma.

"Yup! And apperently, there's a son around our ageee!" Sang Emma. I laughed at this. Emma is a huge flirt. Anything with our oppisite body parts. Whore. Haha just kidding!

"Well that's cool. I guess." I said. I really didn't care. I just had to get good grades so I could get into Stanford. Or Harvard. Or Yale. Either one of those is fine.


I pulled up into my drive-way and made a mental check list of things to do. First was homework, review notes, 20 minute power nap, shower, eat, tumblr, instagram, snapchat, twitter, facebook, we heart it, read and then sleep.

As soon as I walked through the door, my mother handed me a basket full of muffins. "Go over to the new neighbor's and give it to them. Oh! And introuduce yourself and say nice things. Okay?" She told me. I sighed and said "Okay."

That put my schedual back atleast 5 minutes.

I walked over next door and knocked. I heard running down the stairs and the door flew open. "Are you the pizza person?" A little 5 year old boy asked me when he opened the door. "Um. No. Sorry. Is your mommy or daddy home?" I asked, a little thrown off.

"Mom and Dad aren't here. They went to go buy food. But my big brother is. JOSH!" Screamed the little kid. A guy around my age or a year older came down the stairs. He was wearing all black and had a lip ring. He had on some beat-up black converse and a worried look on his face. But when he saw me and his little brother he scowled.

"What did I tell you about opening doors for people you don't know James?" He asked. The little kid- I mean, James, shrugged and went back upstairs. "Who are you?" He asked, a little rude. I forced a smile and said "I'm Avery. I live right next door and my mom asked me to bring you this." I said, gesturing to the now heavy muffin basket.

He raised an eyebrow and took the basket from me. "Thanks, I guess." He said. "And if your ever need anything, just knock on our door." I said. "Thanks. But no thanks. We're good. We don't need any help." He said cooly. And with that he slamed the door in my face.

My jaw dropped and I scowled. I tried to cool my temper as I walked away from that damn house.

When I walked back home, my mother pestered me with questions. "Where the parents home?" No. "Was anyone home?" Yeah. "Who?" Two brothers. "Where they nice?" The little one. "About how old was te little one?" I guess 5. "What about the other one?" About 17. "So your age?" Obviously. "Don't get sassy with me." Sorry, I have a headache. "Take an asprin and rest for a while." Okay.

Let's just say, I didn't do any homework that evening. Yas bitch.

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